Hawkesworth History | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture | Scoop.it

History lesson of the day.  Learn about the Hawkesworth Bridge's history with the latest articles from the Cayo Tour Guide Association.  There's an article just about the Hawkesworth Bridge, and one about Edward Hawkesworth too.

"The Hawkesworth bridge was opened on Saturday August 20th 1949 and was named after the late Sir Edward Gerald Hawkesworth, former governor of Britsh Honduras.  The type of bridge was decided based on the fact of very high flooding and that the River was used to float logs downstream...  The total cost of the bridge was $198,384.33 and contained 2,260 tons of concrete, 264 tons of steel work and the cables, made of 7 individual strands and weighing 18 tons each.  The foundation was carried to bedrock 12 feet below the surface.  The columns were raised to a height of 46 feet and the center to a height of 52 feet, 7 feet above the heightest known flood level.  The total length of the bridge is 480 feet and the main span is 280 feet, with an additional 100 feet on each side."