Notetaking In The Digital Classroom: A Blended Learning Approach ~ TeachThought | blended learning |

The Cornell Notes strategy is one possible model students can use, in addition to combination notes, REAP strategy, and others. When used in combination with technology, students are able to activate key brain areas during learning, while also retaining critical information for future review.


How Noteaking Is Changing


"It’d be easy to fall victim to hyperbole here and suggest that notetaking is the stuff of electricity and holograms, but that’s only partly true. Today, 40% of students prefer a mix of physical and digital notes. In the digital classroom then, the primary shift parallels blended learning: a mix of physical and electronic information that serves as a compromise between “old” and “new” learning.


"In the digital classroom, recording pens, tablets, laptops, audio software, and social media make recording, reviewing, sharing, and storing these notes different than it was even 10 years ago. The infographic below explores how."

Via Jim Lerman