Using learning analytics to understand student behavior and inform faculty development programs | | blended learning |

The Ohio State University College of Nursing has been doing lecture capture, at least in its current form, for the past three years. We capture content in a variety of settings and for a variety of purposes, everything from normal face to face classes, to guest lecturers, remote presenters and renowned speakers. This is an immense amount of content, hundreds of hours, and it has allowed courses to be far more agile in scheduling their courses, choosing appropriate delivery methods and permitted instructors to enhance courses by bringing in recordings of experts from outside of their field. It has also allowed for more flexibility for the students enrolled in our courses, whether they are sick or stuck in clinical two hours away they do not need to be concerned about missing lecture or rushing back to campus.


With all of this content comes a staggering amount of data about how it is being used; traditionally they data is from web hits, the learning management system and students surveys. Beginning in Autumn quarter of 2010, the College of Nursing instituted a significant upgrade to the ways we are capturing lectures, and as part of that, were able to implement a new piece, analytics. The analytics collects much of the data that we were collecting manually and brings some additional data that will allow us to understand more about our students.