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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

The Tiny Advantage Doctrine of Dual Survival on G+ via @Scenttrail

The Tiny Advantage Doctrine of Dual Survival on G+ via @Scenttrail | BI Revolution |

We lucky few Internet marketers make sand castles on the beach and he tide is always coming in. I started this G+ summary of "tiny advantage" thinking how similar Internet marketing is to Outward Bound.

But Dual Survival is a more apt analogy. No one summit our new marketing Everest alone anymore. We need TEAMS of great climbers, Sherpas and rope...lots of ROPE :).

I remember the deer in the headlights look I got from my last boss, founder of one of the larger web dev companies in the southeast, when I told him the most valuable "product" we created wasn't an individual website or app as much as it was a team capable of creating that app, SEO or email marketing

The PROCESS is what remains after the tide sweeps all yesterday's hard work out to see. I remember he looked at me funny :).

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Internet Marketing's 3Cs: Content, Community, Conversion - Curatti

Internet Marketing's 3Cs: Content, Community, Conversion - Curatti | BI Revolution |
Internet marketing's "perpetual motion" machine is based on content creating community and, after winning hearts and minds, community becomes conversion.
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Invention v. Reinvention In The Age of Disruption - Curatti

Invention v. Reinvention In The Age of Disruption - Curatti | BI Revolution |
Human history is littered with examples of how rebuilding is so much swifter and more complete if whatever preceded it was wiped out.  Of course, that has typically come after something very bad has happened.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Ego vs. No Ego
Loved this post by @AndyCapaloff. Any discusses the need to "set free the beers" online, to let what works now dictate our Internet marketing reactions INSTEAD of insisting upon some outdated ideology.

Internet marketing only has one time - NOW. To not accept what is happening now is ego-writing checks you can't afford. I found a solid demonstration of "ego" when an analysis of top 10 online retailers showed most follow back less than 1% of their followers (Is Ecommerce Stuck In The Mud

Andy suggests finding your accepting mind, the mind you would have if everything was destroyed or you were starting from scratch, is a great way to be as an Internet marketer. Agree!

Andy's Curatti post

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Agnostic Wins - How A Rebel Army Can Still Win Despite New Google

Agnostic Wins - How A Rebel Army Can Still Win Despite New Google | BI Revolution |

This Haiku Deck and ScentTrail Marketing blog post captures ideas percolating from launching one of the first crowdfunding cancer research platforms ( l last week.

One of the big Should of Had A V8 moments last week was the realization that the way the new Google set the table does not favor a rebel Rat-Tag army.

Since climbing the latter to AUTHORITY and TRUSTED status now can take years and you will have a giant pissing our your head every step of the way, better to create conversations not website and then inject your conversation into their castles via widgets, apps and white label embedding.

Can a rebel army survive when the new Google swings the machine gun so deliberately and giants are trying to knock rebels to the ground? Yes IF they THINK WEB FIRST and this post should help with that.

What about you? Do you think web first already? How did you get there? What have you changed?


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

What The Cloud Engineer & Every Internet Marketer Must Know

What The Cloud Engineer & Every Internet Marketer Must Know | BI Revolution |
Data Center Knowledge
What The Cloud Engineer Must Know
Data Center Knowledge
A new IDC report sponsored by Microsoft and published by Forbes indicates that the demand for a cloud-ready IT force will grow by 26% through 2015.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Loved this post because the tone is teaching, "cloud engineers" and so we interloping Internet marketers can learn too. Don't think understanding the cloud is important? Here are just a few Internet marketing CSF (Critical Success Factors) impacted by "cloud formation":

* Speed of your website.

* SEO acceptability of your website.
* Google acceptability of your content and site.

* Web 3.0 dynamic contingent logic firing in real time.

That last bullet is my favorite and least understood. Websites won't operate or be created the way we do now. The "appificaiton" of everything + the cloud = more sophisticated logic firing ln more cylinders, faster and faster, better and better.

The cloud is opening up possibilities. We are creating without much concern to image weight since the Amazon Content Delivery Network is taking much of the heavy lifting off the page. Multiple that one benefit by a hundred and you see why understanding the cloud is a CSF.


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Internet Marketing's Strange Money Making Secret - Atlantic BT

Internet Marketing's Strange Money Making Secret - Atlantic BT | BI Revolution |
Knowing the line between Internet marketing you must create to develop trust and marketing you do for ROI is Internet marketing's money making secret.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Ever write something and then read it and think, "Yes that is what has been tugging at my brain for months"? This line did that for me:

"The key to making money online is doing some things to create trust and then disrupting those very things enough to create money."

I've been trying to figure out why Internet marketing is such a flypaper-like trap for many. Finally it dawned on me that those who want to do what everyone else is doing, a natural sense of security in much of life, wreck their boats on the rocky shores of Internet marketing's strange secret.

Yes we all have to do some "conventional" things, but money can only be made when those conventional marketing practices are turned on their head. The trick is knowing what conventions must be adhered to and those that need to be stood on their head :). M

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Easy Keyword Research Secret Worth Millions

Easy Keyword Research Secret Worth Millions | BI Revolution |
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Keywords Are Your Friends
When people ask how teams I managed made over $30M in online e-commerce I usually say we did what we were told. This is NOT to say I didn't have an amazing creative team (I did). 

Yes we could riff like jazz musicians, but we only improvised where we know there was GOLD to be found (to mix a metaphor lol). One way to know where the GOLD is in them there search marketing hills is to steal a simple keyword secret - Keyword Efficiency. 

What Is Keyword Efficiency
I stole the idea from WordTracker. I couldn't afford their tool and they weren't letting "scholarship students" in (this is on my return from Martin's Ride to Cure Cancer my bicycle ride across America when I had NO MONEY LOL).

Wordtracker's Efficiency is a valuation, a fancy algorithmic SWAG, that estimates the chances of getting your PPC money back.  My Keyword Efficiency is a ratio showing and ranking keywords revealing the priority you should attack them. 

My Keyword Efficiency is a ratio between DEMAND (I like global monthly broad match since large numbers HELP this model) and competition (documents returned on a Google search for that key). Formula is simple:


Don't get lost in the tiny numbers. The number is only there to help you model one keyword against another. use Excel's (or Google docs) magical sort tool and you have a prioritized list of keys with BLUE OCEANS at the top and RED OCEANS at the bottom. 

Blue Oceans = you have a chance to rank especially if you go a little further out in the long tail of search (just make sure there is search demand and remember Google has been cutting back and not supporting terms with few searchers).  

Think of Blue Oceans as OVER SEARCHED and UNDER PUBLISHED. BTW, Q&A content consistently has high efficiencies ACROSS business verticals (as it does in this example from the BI vertical). 

Some Red Oceans you and your content marketing MUST swim in, so close your eyes and swim. Focus your content marketing on keys that are efficient - keys that are OVER SERCHED and UNDER PUBLISHED and life will be good :).  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

3 Internet Marketing Secrets via ScentTrail Marketing

3 Internet Marketing Secrets via ScentTrail Marketing | BI Revolution |

3 Secrets, 12 Years
Internet marketing isn't about what most think. One thing you learn early as an Internet marketer is what the mob thinks is rarely right and never useful. Here are 3 Internet Marketing Secrets realized the hard way after more than 12 years of Internet marketing:

1. Internet Marketing Isn't What You Think It Is.

2. Source Of IM Greatness Isn't What You Think It Is either.

3. Save The World.

Hope these secrets help you create awesome Internet marketing.

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight!

What Comes After Social Media? And Why You Should Have Paid More Attention In Math Class

What Comes After Social Media? And Why You Should Have Paid More Attention In Math Class | BI Revolution |

I started blogging in 2005, and started checking out Twitter and Facebook in 2007.  While these tools have been popular topics for individuals for a while now, companies really didn’t begin to take an interest in social media as a pseudo-business tool till around 2008 or so.  

So for five years, social media has been the next ‘it’ thing. But eventually, we’ll all move on to talking and obsessing about something else.  Even now, some people are beginning to say that social media’s bubble is about to burst.  So when social media is officially no longer the ‘cool kid’ in school, what will take it’s place?

One idea that’s been gaining traction in the last year or so is that of Big Data.  In simplified terms, it’s collecting massive amounts of data about a sample (such as your customer base), and then analyzing that data in order to spot trends and characteristics about the customers that you might otherwise miss....

Via Jeff Domansky
Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, February 9, 2013 9:42 AM
Yes, I see "Big Data", predictive and conversion analytics as the next frontier too. As if I wasn't reminded of this every day, our future is about to prove we should have paid more attention in math class :).M
Suggested by Ryan Cote!

Test OFFERS & Other $ Things: DM Strategist Ted Grigg Interview

Test OFFERS  & Other $ Things: DM Strategist Ted Grigg Interview | BI Revolution |

We're very excited to share this new blog interview with you featuring direct marketing strategist Ted Grigg from DMCG. Ted shares an enormous wealth of knowledge.

Marty Note
Pay particular attention to how Ted Helps define FOCUS as MONEY. That strategic alignment is a strength of Direct Marketers (DMers). The highest converting blog online is Schwan's at 46%. Creative isn't bad,but it is clearly not their focus. Ringing the clearly their focus :).  Marty  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Why Facebook Sucks For Marketers

Why Facebook Sucks For Marketers | BI Revolution |

Why Facebook Sucks For Internet Marketers
* The minute you figure something out they eliminate or change it.
* They HATE marketers and think we are all spammers.

* There is no "mutual benefit" since minute you figure something that works out they take it away. 
* Facebook is always about the PROMISE of ROI never actual ROI!

I was excited and ready to give Facebook another chance. I'm reading Gary Vanderchuk's Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook and he makes a compelling case for Facebook Sponsored stories. Put the book down and am about to tweet how interesting sponsored stories sounds and I get a Mashable alert that sponsored stories will be eliminated on April 9. 

Boy have I been to this rodeo before. As a Director of Ecommerce we spent thousands trying to solve the riddle that is Facebook marketing (we never did preferring to give up instead). Why any IMer would spend time and energy on a platform that clearly HATES US is a strange mystery. 

They hate us because we are spammers, stupid or don't get how to be "native' on their platform. The only reason Facebook gets any time or budget is the promise of a billion connected users with an amazing BI overlay. Problem is if the minute you finally find something that works they eliminate then Facebook wins again and we marketers are stupid indeed. 

As I point out in this post on GPlus, we are doing our bit. We want to tell great stories, we want to learn how to tell great stories on Facebook and other social platforms. Marketers ARE NOT THE ENEMEY, so please stop treating us as if we are or shame on us for continuing to fund such bad treatment. 

With the growth of "niche, targeted and closed" social nets most are prediciting for 2014 maybe we will have new ways so share our stories, new ways to learn from our customers and Facebook can do what it does best - let you share pictures of your children with your parents.  


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

"6 "Could Tell You, But Have To Kill You" Internet Marketing Secrets Shared" - via Haiku Deck

"6 "Could Tell You, But Have To Kill You" Internet Marketing Secrets Shared" - via Haiku Deck | BI Revolution |

These secrets are hard to share not because of how SECRET they are, but because of how automatic they become after Internet marketing for almost 15 years.

6 Internet Marketing Secrets
* use WordPress Themes.
* Solve Brand Conflicts.
* Tease Clicks Don't Drown Them.

* Test Video Marketing.
* Align Website Nonverbals.
* People and Stories Sell not Cool Tech.

This last bullet is the hardest to convince #startups and #smbs. Real estate agents want to show their MLS widget, the same widget every other real estate agent has. Startups want to show their widget.

PEOPLE and STORIES are what makes great website content because we BUY with EMOTION and JUSTIFY with LOGIC.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Save The World Marketing

In a social mobile and connected time for profit companies should learn emotional storytelling from nonprofits. Nonprofits should learn viral marketing and SEO
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Buzz Teams and Bar Flies - How To Use Social Media As A Tactic

Buzz Teams and Bar Flies - How To Use Social Media As A Tactic | BI Revolution |

Created a defined team is one of my favorite social media tactics. By creating a team with a name there is a brand, an identity, that forms the team. This post discusses one of my favorite ways to include customer advocates in your social media marketing by creating a "buzz team".

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

WHAT WOMEN Communication |

WHAT WOMEN Communication | | BI Revolution |

Women control Word-of-Mouth and about 90% of purchases in most households. If an Internet marketers communication doesn't resonante with women the idea, campaiign or website is SUNK. 

Tysa Fennern's curator insight, June 2, 2013 5:05 PM

Connection is KEY no matter how you do it.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith! AND More Powerful Together Than Either Alone AND More Powerful Together Than Either Alone | BI Revolution |
Why is Scoop It Kicking Paper Li's Rear End?

Isn't it the same concept? You create your own online newspaper. Why is Scoop It generating so much more…
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight: + Scoopit Better Then Either Alone
This link is to a thread on Google Plus, but it represents a dangerous way of thinking about Internet marketing. There is an active thread about @Scoopit vs. in an either or way.

I don't believe in "either or" much. As an Internet marketer I believe in "X and Y" especially when both X and Y provide different benefits. Here is what I just wrote on Google Plus:

"I like the hands on nature of and the hands off nature of's model is constructed off of existing followers. Every now and again I tune my I do this by adding and subtracting feeds. I watch the changes for a few days to see if I have the mix I want and then let it play. is HIGHLY DYNAMIC so how I mix my feed salad today is no guarantee of anything tomorrow. At a macro level feeds tend to wobble in the same general space, so there is some predictability about the content mix...some.

I also use the manual tool when I want to build specific content into my paper.'s efficiency has to be greater than due to the feeds, but that efficiency also means the tuning sensitivity isn't as high as a curator's ability to manually curates a magazine.

I know I am more powerful content marketer and curator because I use both and I also know my friends at Small Rivers and well enough to know they are working on cool new things as I write this."

Anything I can use to create engagement and advantage needs to be used and these tools compliment each other so much there is no doubt any Internet marketers creations or curation is made stronger by using them in concert with one another.


Jesse Wojdylo's thread on Google Plus with my comments:

This conversation keeps getter better. Here is the latest question and my answer:

+Kia Slade No, Kia I like Storify for pasting together blog-like stories. When I use Storify I tell more stories. When I use I curate content and I curate feeds into a coherent self sustaining "daily".

Best way to get a sense of the difference is to look at how differently I use all three:

Scoopit Revolutions are here:

Here was my first "magazine" Curation Revolution:

ScentTrail Daily



Newest to Storify so haven't gotten my mind around its UI yet, but it beckons a diary-like storytelling format supplemented with strong visuals and links kind of like a Delicious on steroids.

Hope these examples help. All GREAT tools with real curation and creation power. Marty
Brad Tollefson's curator insight, May 22, 2013 8:28 PM

Looking into ...

Kelly Hungerford's comment, June 13, 2013 4:26 AM
Howard, can you point me to your how-to? Much appreciated.
Kelly Hungerford's comment, June 13, 2013 4:30 AM
Dolly,thanks for your comment. Indeed for someone who truly want so collect and add commentary, is the service. And I would even go as far as to say to tell as story, then Storify.
Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Content curation trends!

Be A GREAT Content Curator: 6 Content Curation Tips From @ScentTrail and @Gdecugis

Be A GREAT Content Curator: 6 Content Curation Tips From @ScentTrail and @Gdecugis | BI Revolution |

"once you start gathering content to share, you begin to realize it’s a bit more complicated than you thought. It takes a bit of focus and creativity to find good content and then organise it."

Via Guillaume Decugis
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Backing Into Great Content Curation Greatness
Since the goal of every Internet marketing team should be creating a sustainable system of content marketing with an ever increasing return let's agree on a few important curation ideas: 

* Curation creates more reach faster than creation.

* Creation is still important, > than 20% is risky. 
* Curation is never random, strongest clearly themed.

* Scale means you do more with less, so scale = ROI.

* Real time is where the HEAT of content curation lives.

* The more you curate the better at it you become.


The second bullet is ironic. Even gurus I LOVE tire me out when they don't pick up other people's threads or react to mine. "Tire me out" is another way of saying I leave and reduce advocacy. 

This means EVEN if you have resources needed to create 90% and only curate 10% I would NEVER suggest that as a winning strategy. Create more than 20% and you risk "talking to yourself about yourself". I've come to the conclusion that the optimal ratio is 90% curation to 10% creation, but Argyle Social did a somewhat related study that came down 50% creation (promotion of your own stuff) and 50% curation. 

I think promotion is different than either curation or creation, so let's put that study aside for the moment.  

1. Define Your Curation THEME
Note that I use the singular "theme". Any beginning content plan should focus on ONE meme; one idea set, and devote all energy to that single theme. Don't go too broad either. Not Internet Marketing, but Internet Marketing / Email Marketing (if you are @Bronto) or Internet Marketing / New Ecom (if you are @Atlanticbt my employer). 

2. Research Your Theme's Ecosystem - Picking Gurus 
Who are the gurus of your theme? How social are these gurus? Do they respond when use @GURU? Pick a mix bag of 5 gurus to follow with 3 in the "approachable" camp and 2 in the uber-guru camp (pick the two with either the biggest following or that are most aligned to your thinking or both). 


3. Create A Content Map For Your Theme

Use the 10% creation and 90% curation rule to guide what kind of content you create and put where. Creation is best on OWNED properties. Curation moves easily between OWNED and SHARED (social nets). Don't only do ONE or the other tactic exclusively on one platform. Mix it up. Create short blog posts that are hybrid curation. Create themed Tweets that are almost like a blog post in 20 tweets. Others would tell you to use a blog to do X and a tweet to do Y. I disagree, surprise and serendipity keeps your content marketing alive. 

4. Create A Schedule, Stick To It
Leave 20% of your plan for "response", but do create s publishable schedule of daily, weekly or monthly features. Schedules = TRUST and you can never have enough trust. If you miss a scheduled date explain why and, "Dog ate my homework," is not a good excuse. 

5. Schedule Reviews & Summary Presentations
Watch 5 Key Performance indicators every single day of the MACRO (traffic) and MICRO (forms completed by Google visitors on keyword X) variety. Schedule a quarterly review with senior management since that too creates trust and makes you SMARTER due to the preparation and questions you will need to answer. 

6. Practice, Practice and Practice More
How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, Practice, Practice. The old cliché is true. Yes it will take getting used to the idea your "practice" is seen by OTHERS, but get used to it. I use as my practice field. I allow for a higher degree of errors (WHEN is going to add spell check for God's sake :) and stumbles because is about FEEDBACK and SPEED in our ecosystem. 

When something looks PRIME TIME on I tighten down the bolts (i.e. hire my great editor) and increase the investment. I move a longer and more keyword dense take to our owned properties such as our blog or website.

Our process doesn't have to be yours since there are infinite variations on the curation theme. The important idea is to curate a LOT of content daily, define a platform that is your "practice field" and always increase the speed of curation while reducing errors and increasing shares (what you are curating for).  

BTW, learned these tips from GREAT curators such as @RobinGood and @maxOz and others I listed on Google Plus: 

Link is to an excellent Guillaume post linked to another great curation post. 

Guillaume Decugis's curator insight, March 1, 2013 7:54 PM

Sarah Arrow gives interesting tips in that post but the bigger point she makes is that content curation requires some organization and works best when integrated within a workflow that makes it easy. Whether you're using organized RSS feeds, iPad readers like Flipboard or platforms like, the whole system should make it efficient for you to scan through content without distraction and publish your best picks in a way that feels natural. 

And as I commented on her blog post, I’m a big believer of using your idle time for curating content using your mobile: on top of making this time useful, the mobile platform also addresses the “Shiny Object” temptation she's describing and unchains content curation. Don’t you find the smaller screen and the use of the mobile format lots of blogs and media are now using also helps being less distracted and more focused?

Neil Ferree's curator insight, March 2, 2013 4:20 PM

A good Read on what you need to know before you launch your 2013 Content Marketing strategy. You can see the Top 5 CM Planning Guides by Click Here or just Google DiY Conent Marketing

Maddog Social Media's comment, March 6, 2013 12:34 PM
Martin, thank you so much!