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Top Haiku Decks Generate 101,000+ Views & Almost 1,000 Shares via @Curagami

Top Haiku Decks Generate 101,000+ Views & Almost 1,000 Shares via @Curagami | BI Revolution |

Top Haiku Decks
Haiku Deck is an easy to use cool tool perfectly timed for the visual marketing revolution we find ourselves within. We've created more than 30 Decks, but 11 stand out.

They stand out because they've been viewed more than 101,000 times, have almost 1,000 social shares and are the kind of easy to create content curation helping to define the lean content movement so dear to our friends at (another great lean content / visual marketing tool).  

See our top 11 Haiku Decks  

See All of Our Haiku Decks  

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Crowdfunding & Gamification = New Online Marketing Channel via @HaikuDeck

Crowdfunding & Gamification = New Online Marketing Channel via @HaikuDeck | BI Revolution |
Crowdfunding's real explosion will come at the enterprise level when combined with advanced loyalty and gamification.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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3 Ways to Use Social Media to ‘Listen’ to the Competition

3 Ways to Use Social Media to ‘Listen’ to the Competition | BI Revolution |
Confession: I have a slightly unhealthy early morning ritual. For the last five years—since I launched Hootsuite—the very first thing I’ve done every day after I wake up is take a peek at what our
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great LinnkedIn post from Hootsuite founder on how to use SMM to learn about competition. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Slideshare The Visual Marketing SEO RPG - NEW @Scoopit BLOW IT UP Study

Slideshare The Visual Marketing SEO RPG - NEW @Scoopit BLOW IT UP Study | BI Revolution | Study
I've often thought Slideshare was the great underutilized weapon of content marketing. Thinking that and having the data to prove are two different things.

Thanks to the team at we now have the data to prove what I've FELT. In an extensive study the team shifted my thinking on Slideshare.

Always knew Slideshare was POWERFUL SEO VooDoo because I've had several decks BLOW UP such as: 
Absolute #1 position on "Storytelling is the new SEO" and has been top ranked for over a year. 
This deck held on for a year and has slide out of ranking now.

You don't get much more SEO competitive than "Storytelling is the New SEO" and "Content Marketing Network so personal validation supports the team's great work here.

The other paradigm they shifted for me today was thinking of Slideshare as an important "visual marketing" tool. Decks are LEAN, FAST and VIRAL so great ways to share and build authority and traffic. Just wish I could get my Slideshare profile styled better. Anyone know the secret sauce for that?

Great work Scoopiteers!  

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Latest Social Media News!

How to Know When Social Media Is Working

How to Know When Social Media Is Working | BI Revolution |
Do you know if your social media strategy is working? Are you looking for an easier way to track your social activities? In this article I'll show you how to find the most valuable social data and actionable insights.

Via Lesley Rodgers, Gerrit Bes
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Excellent way to create KPIs for social media. Once you have KPIs you can connect, with a little "magic math", to ROI. Be GENEROUS in your attributions despite what your CFO says :). 

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from SEO and Social Media Marketing!

How Social Signals Affect SEO

How Social Signals Affect SEO | BI Revolution |

Do social signals really play a big role in SEO?  We know for certain that social media plays an essential role in increasing website traffic and creating awareness for your brand.


But can social signals also improve your rankings? Yes, they can.


Read more at:

Via Antonino Militello
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Use Social Signals or Drown
that was the choice Google faced. They could fight against the social tide or use it. Then Navneet Panda stepped up with his new machine code algorithm and Google could use social signals to see just how clean or dirty our rooms really are/were. 

Are social signals important to SEO? Absolutely. Is SEO still important to your ability to generate converting traffic? Absolutely.  

Recently I wrote Storytelling Is The New SEO (on Slideshare) because one of the secret implications of social signals being used so extensively by search engines is we must create content that engages and is shared.


Not all content is up to that task, or, more accurately, our execution of some types of content such as heavily lawyer influenced terms is not up to the task of being shared.

My advice is to ONLY have content on your website someone will want to share.  


Storytelling Is The New SEO  

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Latest eCommerce News!

Amazon Groceries? AmazonFresh set to expand? [+ Marty Note]

Amazon Groceries? AmazonFresh set to expand? [+ Marty Note] | BI Revolution |
After five years, Amazon’s local grocery-delivery service remains in limited test mode, but the Internet giant recently has made some moves that could set the stage for expansion.

Via Eric Kramer, SwipeZoom
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Can Amazon Succed Where Others Failed
Not a month after comScore comes out with their "over/under" report showing verticals such as grocery and health care where underpenetrated by the Internet Amazon opens up an old wound. 

You may not remember PeaPod from back in the bubble days, but others have attempted to solve the grocery dilemma. All previous efforts have been hoisted on the petard of "local delivery". 

Local delivery is a logistical killer. Think about it. The last time I went to my Super Target I purchased 20 items for a little over $100. With an Average Order Value of $100 you would have to add a hefty shipping charge. 

Problem is my Super Target is almost across the street from my house, so any hefty delivery charge seems a foolish waste of money. Funny how human psychology is because we don't hesitate to pay as much as 100% markup on our pizza to have them delivered. 

If Amazon can bring our minds around to the pizza zone they win. The pizza zone is about:

* Being lazy.

* Not wanting to go OUT (to cold, too crowded, whatever).

* Too busy (when I am on deadline it is hard to remember to dress and shower much less cook a meal). 

* Too boring (I started selling P&G soap in Wegman's in upstate New York and HATE going to the grocery store). 

* Not Fun - shopping is the 3rd circle of HELL for many (me included). 


Subscription & Mobile To The Rescue
I think there is a mobile enabled subscription play here. Schwan's has proven home delivery can work. Schwan's limitation is they ONLY sell frozen food. Will we trust someone else to pick our bananas and lettuce? Maybe if they create a creative approach (maybe we get a chance to see what fresh produce they are selecting via an app). 

The other way Amazon could resurrect the RIP PeaPod local delivery is to be creative about the money. If I can JOIN and earn social status and points, contribute input and be SOCIAL then grocery shopping is FUN and worth the surcharge. 

If anyone can do it Amazon can AND pushing more through their expanded distribution centers only lowers their fixed costs. Amazon is all about the arbitrage so Amazon Groceries could happen and could work.  


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Klout Getting Better & Better

Klout Getting Better & Better | BI Revolution |

Marty Note
If you haven't checked your Klout score recently you should. Not just because your Klout score is a good indication on your "ding the universe" mission, but also because the Klout-ers are building some cool tools.

I just used their content scheduler for the first time. I liked the ease of putting 3 Tweets into queue and their content suggestions were excellent. I have to dig around mountains of ants and termites to find content half as good.

Also like their people suggestions. Going to be interesting to see if their people recommendations follow back or if they are so big following back little munchkins (like moi) is beyond them. The recommendations were relevant and cool, so, much like their content suggestions, easy and powerful people to follow suggestions.

The tool is improving at a rapid rate (Kudos) and their focus on EASY and painless is much appreciated. So go check your Klout score and ping me and I will send you Klout Perks or kudos or whatever the hell we trade in there (lol). M

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What Is the Value of A Link? Only Context Will Tell via @Dixon_Jones Majestic SEO

What Is the Value of A Link? Only Context Will Tell via @Dixon_Jones Majestic SEO | BI Revolution |

Klout, Context & Links
This post links to my G+ summary in prelude to my blog post tonight. Here are some preliminary thoughts on the page of notes I took during Dixon Jones talk.

Links & The Real Value of Content
Dixon works at Majestic SEO ( ). Majestic is asking the right question - what is the value of a link. They've even created tools that help intelligently answer that question.

"Inbound links" as a measurement is clouded by "bot spam". In a great example of the power of the "flow" tool Dixon shared. Even more powerful was an example of Majestic SEO vs. two competitors. On a purely inbound link review Majestic doesn't win.

But are all of those links valuable? Value is contextual and any spammy ways of inflating inbound link numbers need to be discovered and factored out.

Once links are run through Majestic SEO's "trust flow" tool evaluating where links came from and the respective trustworthiness of sites sending links in Majestic wins the comparison.We finally have a tool to separate white and black hats.

Think of that for a second. If you were to simply use aggregate inbound links you would buy ads with Majestic's competition or, and this is worse, you might think the competition's inflated (probalby by spam) value is something you should buy.

Once the Majestic SEO tool separates wheat from chafe a more accurate and "influential" picture emerges. SEOs and Internet marketers know how to parse page spread, social following and inbound links to pierce the veil of most who spam, but, for an outsider, "most links" may translate into "most trusted".

There is the web's biggest rub. Since the web is an interconnected system discovering if real people who have real value are passionate about a site tool, or brand with metrics such as high inbound links or big pagespread (pages in Google) is the only way to make an informed decision UNTIL Majestic wrestled context and content to the ground.

Curagmai & Majestic
The reason our Startup Factory funded startup Curagami and Majestic fit together like Lego blocks is relationships between a site and its 1% Contributors, 9% Supporters and 90% readers. Curagami helps FIND the Contributors, Supporters and Readers and Majestic helps define each of member of those "tribes" by their CONTEXTUAL influence. I may not have high Klout and be irrelevant for a conversation about women's fashion, but be perfect to help discuss cycling (since I rode a bicycle across America in the summer of 2010). .

If the first job is to FIND Contributors, Supporters and Readers and the second is to ask them to JOIN with Contributors and Supporters high on the Ambassadors list then the 3rd job is to contextually empower advocates in each group. We know the future is about community and real people not bots are the building blocks of online community.

What Dixon shared today and Majestic SEO has been working hard on is helping marketers know what kind of ASK will work best for Jill, John and Bob. Jill might know women's fashion, pets and be a car mechanic in her spare time. John may know email marketing, gourmet cooking and wines. Bob may know finance and cycling.

Curagami helps find 'em & Majestic helps define 'em in order to create an ASK that works. Powerful and very cool tool since the future is about building community and not every Contributor, Supporter and Reader who visits your site is the same. As we begin to create "rich personas" thanks to tools such as Majestic and Curagami our content relevance will go up, and up and UP.

If you are thinking more content relevance = more LOVE and MONEY we agree :). M

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Social Media Trends 2014 | Video

Social Media Trends 2014 | Video | BI Revolution |

The social media trends in the US for 2014: twitter, snaptchat, instagram, Vine...

Marty Note
Cool video but MUTE it before you play it (horrible music) and don't be doing three things at once since great stats fly by fast.

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State of Digital Marketing 2014 [Infographic] - SocialTimes

State of Digital Marketing 2014 [Infographic] - SocialTimes | BI Revolution |
A survey of 500 marketing pros found that while digital gets the most lip service, it receives only 1/4 of the budget.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Surprised to see ad budgets still 75% traditional meda, 25% digital. Should be other way around. Like turning a battleship. Love the "Have Generated Revenue from Social Media" stat as if anyone would know (lol).

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

SEO and the Wiki-ization of Marketing

SEO and the Wiki-ization of Marketing | BI Revolution |

What Is Wiki-ization of Marketing

When claims unsupported by social signals are considered "spam" marketing has been "wiki-ized". Content marketing is NOT solipsistic. Content marketing is a conversation. Lecture and you lose.

Create content unsupported by social media love (shares, links and links) and you lose. Do enough of this kind of one-sided unsupported marketing and you could lose BIG, be labeled a spammer, lose your place in Google or worse. 

The wiki-izaiton of marketing brings new rules about The ASK and The GIVE important for any Internet marketing team to grasp and use. Don't forget Father Time since Google certainly doesn't. Follow tips outlined here and your marketing will be "wiki-ized", tribal and fun. 

Denying marketing's undeniably social present and future at this late date is a sure prescription for disaster. Don't do that is my advice. Do understand how to wiki-ize your marketing.  


Ken Morrison's curator insight, May 18, 2013 2:21 PM

I really like this article about how some companies are dooing a poor job at marketing in the social media world. One good example is the infographic that TechCrunch shared yesterday on Facebook.  They fixed it now (kind of) by attaching a link to a site where you can see it better.  However, they shared an infographic that nobody could read.  Yet, it attracted 60 likes and 62 shares in less than an hour. Because Social Signals seem to trump common sense, they still have not taken down this hideous infographic. They are using the negative attention of unpleasant comments to get into newsfeeds and hope that people will click the link.  I don't think it was their stragety, but they have chosen to not take down this infographic (

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, May 18, 2013 5:22 PM
Ken's right when he says "Because Social Signals seem to trump common sense" AND such poor content calls into question how much BOT support is built into a platform such as TechCrunch. The idea that the little guy has half a chance doesn't look TRUE when a lousy infographic gets more auto-bot support than content worked into a pot from raw clay. Semantic web will fix some of this, but maybe there is a more important question for TechCrunch. Is THIS TechCrunch a shadow of its founding passion and commitment. Has TC sold out to the point where its MACHINE has taken on a life unto itself and is that a good thing? Ken says NO and I agree. Take our engagement for granted and it can disappear in a blink. Does MYSPACE ring any bells in this regard?
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Social Behavior: The Big Game [INFOGRAPHIC] | Social Media Today

Social Behavior: The Big Game [INFOGRAPHIC] | Social Media Today | BI Revolution |
This March Madness-themed infographic uncovers key information on search privacy concerns, social influence, efficacy of images in search results, social sharing behavior, social preferences by social network and demographic, and more.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Big Data Means UNDERSTANDING is The Game Now
If your C level is still not sold on social media they risk being two moves back. Social media generates an army of BIG DATA that, once squeezed into silos with the top and bottom of the sales funnel connected, the possibility to speed conversions and sale traffic, list growth and money is HUGE.

There is helpful myth busting stats on this infographic. The problem, in a nutshell, understands how social media is impacting your Key Performance Indicators in a positive or negative way. There is no neutral in this game.

Every Internet marketing move you make helps or hurts your traffic, conversions and online brands. It is important to understand norms and benchmarks. This graphic provides norms and benchmarks. Once you know those you can go forth and know how you are the same or different.

Ally Greer's curator insight, April 5, 2013 12:11 PM

Interesting tidbits:

Time spend on Facebook has decreased in the last year, while time spent on Google Plus has almost doubled, and time spent on Pinterest has increased by one thousand percent.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

How To Attack An Internet Marketing Castle - Secret Matrix Shows Even Top Websites Have Weaknesses

How To Attack An Internet Marketing Castle - Secret Matrix Shows Even Top Websites Have Weaknesses | BI Revolution |
Even Top Websites Have Strengths and Weaknesses
As a Marketing Director for Atlantic BT I always want to know the same things when a new customer is…
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

When new clients come to Atlantic BT we want to know four metrics:

* Traffic Rank.

* Social Following numbers.

* Pages and Inbound Links.

* PageRank (PR) for the home page and top interior page.

I've been an Internet marketer long enough to be able to almost tell a website's entire story from those 4 numbers. Each of these metrics is tied to the other in telling ways.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Top Websites
If you create a matrix of these values for the top websites it are easy to know where even an Apple is strong or weak. Apple has amazing page spread and links, but its traffic position doesn't deserve a PR9.

When you've been playing SEO games for more than 10 years you know Apple's inbound links include .edu links and those are the secret gold of the web. Google values .edu links higher. I just saw a demonstration of this when one of the cancer centers we are working with on Cure Cancer Starter was pulling a PR6 with the least amount of support I've seen.

The difference was in WHO was linking and again it was .edu links that helped the website achieve more than you or I could with the same page spread and inbound link numbers. WHO links to you is very important.

The chart above and on the link shows each website, no matter how all powerful, has areas for improvement. If you are entering a crowded web space do an analysis like this to help determine where to attack existing castles. If you want to attack Apple you would be a fool to attempt to out link them or page spread 'em.

Social would be the right breach weapon to use with Apple. Frankly I wouldn't envy anyone trying to attack Apple, but the point is if Apple has vulnerabilities so do your competitors.


Jeff Domansky's curator insight, January 16, 2013 3:29 PM

Valuable reading and social marketing analysis from Marty Smith...