On-Page SEO Best Practices in 2013: 7 Rules of the Game - Marketing Technology Blog | Business Improvement and Social media | Scoop.it
By now, I’m sure you’ve heard enough about on-page optimization to last a lifetime. I don’t want to repeat the same mantras you’ve been hearing since last year.




Most SEOs tend to think of on-page optimization as a very specific technical influx of code. You know the drill: meta tags, canonical URLs, alt tags, proper encoding, well-crafted, character-limit-abiding title tags, etc. Those are the basics. And at this point, they are very old-school. They continue to appear on the on-page SEO checklist, but you and I know that the whole demography of SEO has changed vastly, even though the basic premise has remained the same. Because of that change, the way you perceive on-page SEO has to adjust as well.

1. Meta Tags Are Just the Beginning

2. Canonical, Duplicate, Broken Links, etc.

3. The Robot’s Point of View

4. Load Time Averages and Size

5. Think Mobile, Think Responsive

6. Authority & AuthorRank

7. Design Shouldn’t Be the Last Thing On Your List

Via Joemktg, Aurelien Arnoux http://www.linkedin.com/profile/edit?trk=hb_tab_pro_top