The Census  Race  Classification:  Is It Doing Its  Job? | ED262 mylineONLINE:  Ethnicity, Race & Racism |
"Aligning census ethno-racial categories with America’s changing demography is a never-ending task and becomes more difficult when identity claims are ration- ales for altering categories. w e examine four current problems: (1) the Census Bureau projects a population more nonwhite than white by mid-century—social demographers document trends pointing to a different racial future; (2) the census inadequately measures second- and third-generation Americans, limiting the nation’s understanding of why some immigrant groups are “racialized” while others are “whitened”; (3) on health, education, and employment, there is more intrarace than between-race variability, which is better measured for Asians and Hispanics than it is for whites and blacks; and (4) consistency in racial self-identifica- tion is stronger for whites, blacks, and Asians than for Hispanics, Native Americans, and biracial groups, lowering the reliability of race data."