The Moodle Lesson Activity truly is an amazing content creator | El rincón de mferna |

Not many Moodlers use the Lesson Activity in Moodle.  Mostly because it’s neither a brilliant quiz engine nor a replacement for the book module.  But when you combine both these elements and spend a bit of time on the design you can create engaging, interactive learning packages that can stand their own against popular content creation tools, and best of all, it’s authored natively in Moodle.


 Let’s look at the benefits/features of using the lesson module:

* Include a file popup – such as a supporting word doc or PDF, similar to what Storyline lets you do with resources
* Display a progress bar (which by the way can be styled to high heaven with CSS to look funky with gradients)
* Display an on-going score to learners so they can see their grade
* Can be set to work like a slideshow/stage with fixed height so it feels more like a Powerpoint or SCORM package
* Can be a timed activity
* Can be password protected
* Availability can be based upon completing a previous lesson – very powerful feature
* Availability can also be based upon the time spent on a previous lesson – perfect for Online Guided Learning Hours (UK requirement)
* Allows for multiple attempts and limited retries (fully configurable)
* In-built quiz with multiple question types
* Ability to import questions from other platforms
* Branching and clustering – allows for random quiz slides
* Workflows and pathways – learners can see different slides depending on the answers to a question – can be made interactive and personal.
* Can be linked to outcomes for improved reporting
* Has its own reporting tools
* Links with the Moodle gradebook

Via Miloš Bajčetić, Rui Guimarães Lima, Gisele Brugger, Juergen Wagner