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Cysteamine Suppresses Cancer Cell Invasion and Migration in Glioblastoma through Inhibition of Matrix Metalloproteinase Activity

We found that cysteamine treatment at micromolar concentrations specifically targets MMP2, MMP9, and MMP14, leading to the inhibition of tumor invasion and migration in GBM cells overexpressing these genes. These findings suggest that clinically achievable concentrations of cysteamine are effective in inhibiting GBM invasiveness, supporting its potential use as an adjunct cancer treatment.

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Integrated proteogenomic characterization of glioblastoma evolution

This study provides comprehensive insights into the biological mechanisms of glioblastoma evolution and treatment resistance, highlighting promising therapeutic strategies for clinical intervention.

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Stimulation of tumoricidal immunity via bacteriotherapy inhibits glioblastoma relapse

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a highly aggressive brain tumor characterized by invasive behavior and a compromised immune response, presenting treatment challenges. Surgical debulking of GBM fails to address its highly infiltrative nature, leaving neoplastic satellites in an environment characterized by impaired immune surveillance, ultimately paving the way for tumor recurrence. Tracking and eradicating residual GBM cells by boosting antitumor immunity is critical for preventing postoperative relapse, but effective immunotherapeutic strategies remain elusive. Here, we report a cavity-injectable bacterium-hydrogel superstructure that targets GBM satellites around the cavity, triggers GBM pyroptosis, and initiates innate and adaptive immune responses, which prevent postoperative GBM relapse in male mice.

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The impact of cancer patient pathway on timing of radiotherapy and survival: a cohort study in glioblastoma patients

Glioblastoma (GBM) is an aggressive brain tumor in which primary therapy is standardized and consists of surgery, radiotherapy (RT), and chemotherapy. However, the optimal time from surgery to start of RT is unknown. A high-grade glioma cancer patient pathway (CPP) was implemented in Norway in 2015 to avoid non-medical delays and regional disparity, and to optimize information flow to patients. This study investigated how CPP affected time to RT after surgery and overall survival.

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Chemo for glioblastoma enhanced by tapping into cell's daily rhythms

Glioblastoma cells have built-in circadian rhythms that create better times of day for treatment. Biologists and clinicians recorded daily rhythms in "clock gene" expression from a variety of cultured human and mouse glioblastoma cell lines and isolates. These rhythms aligned with daily activity of a DNA repair enzyme known as MGMT. The scientists then conducted tests and found that tumor cells were more likely to die when chemotherapy was administered at the time of day—the morning—when tumor cells had the least MGMT activity. Repeating their efforts in mice with glioblastoma, the scientists found that morning administration of chemotherapy decreased tumor size and increased body weight compared with evening drug delivery.

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Glioblastoma Drug Resistance Pathway Identified

Researchers identified a key signaling pathway, PI3K-beta, responsible for chemotherapy resistance in glioblastoma. Blocking this pathway makes tumor cells more sensitive to temozolomide, a standard chemotherapy drug. This discovery offers a potential new approach to treating glioblastoma, a deadly brain cancer, by overcoming drug resistance and improving patient outcomes.

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CAR T cells offer hope in glioblastoma

Novel chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells delivered directly to the CNS could have therapeutic effects in recurrent glioblastoma, according to two early-stage trials. If the effects are sustained and reproducible, the approach has potential to increase survival in the most lethal form of brain cancer.

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Speeding up Glioblastoma Cancer Research: Highlighting the Zebrafish Xenograft Model

Despite significant scientific efforts, the prognosis for GBM is still very poor, even after intensive treatment through surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. To develop a novel therapeutic treatment for GBM, preclinical in vivo studies are essential for analyzing GBM’s biological features, evaluating new therapeutic targets, and assessing the potential of new therapeutic approaches. In recent years, in GBM research, much effort has been put into the study of the interactions between cancer and immune cells from the onset and along the development of the pathology. Moreover, several studies have discovered genetic, epigenetic, and metabolic changes observed in GBM, identifying these markers as potential targets for GBM diagnosis and treatment. In this context, xenograft zebrafish models have been successfully used to produce new insights into GBM pathology. In particular, with the advancement of precision medicine and light-relevant analytical techniques, the advantage of the transparent nature of zebrafish larvae permits the development of disease theranostics [165]. Overall, it is suggested that transgenic and xenograft zebrafish models should be further exploited for the evaluation of GBM-related biological process alterations and for the screening of new drugs, thus ultimately improving the diagnosis and treatment of this invasive tumor.

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Integrated proteogenomic characterization of glioblastoma evolution

This study provides comprehensive insights into the biological mechanisms of glioblastoma evolution and treatment resistance, highlighting promising therapeutic strategies for clinical intervention.

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What Can You Expect From CAR T Cell Therapy Clinical Trials?

The future of cancer treatment is being rewritten by CAR T cell therapy, the epitome of precision medicine. This therapy offers hope where traditional treatments fail by targeting cancer cells with unparalleled accuracy by utilizing the patient's own immune system. You should know more about the CAR T Cell therapy clinical trials if you want the best experience. The CAR T cell therapy clinical trials have many long-term advantages that you should be aware of.

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Preliminary Findings Point to Low Risk of Secondary Cancers from CAR-T Therapies

At a joint event held by the Friends of Cancer Research and Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy on Monday, cell therapy pioneer Carl June of the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine revealed findings from a recent unpublished study from his group that looked at 783 patients who had received CAR-T treatments for HIV-1 or various cancers. Over more than 2,200 patient-years of observation, the group found 18 patients, or 2.3%, who developed secondary malignancies.

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Strengthening CAR-T therapy to work against solid tumors

The promising findings, reported in Science Advances, involve CAR-T cell therapy, which supercharges the immune system to identify and attack cancer cells. The paper is titled "TOP CAR with TMIGD2 as a safe and effective costimulatory domain in CAR cells treating human solid tumors."

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MRNA vaccine effective in treating glioblastoma brain cancer in small trial

"In less than 48 hours, we could see these tumors shifting from what we refer to as 'cold' -- immune cold, very few immune cells, very silenced immune response -- to 'hot,' very active immune response. That was very surprising given how quick this happened, and what that told us is we were able to activate the early part of the immune system very rapidly against these cancers, and that's critical to unlock the later effects of the immune response".

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HER2-targeting CAR-T cells show highly efficient anti-tumor activity against glioblastoma both in vitro and in vivo

HER2-specific CAR-T cells exhibited strong cytotoxicity and cytokine-secreting abilities against GBM cells in vitro. Anti-HER2 CAR-T cells also exhibited increased cytotoxicity with increasing effector-to-target ratios. Anti-HER2 CAR-T cells delivered via peritumoral injection successfully stunted tumor progression in vivo. Moreover, peritumoral intravenous administration of anti-HER2 CAR-T cells resulted in therapeutic improvement against GBM cells compared with intravenous administration. In conclusion, our study shows that HER2 CAR-T cells represent an emerging immunotherapy for treating GBM.

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AZD1390 with radiotherapy shows manageable safety profile and preliminary efficacy for patients with glioblastoma

AZD1390, an ataxia telangiectasia mutant (ATM) kinase inhibitor, demonstrated a manageable safety profile in both recurrent and newly diagnosed glioblastoma (GBM) patients when given in combination with standard-of-care radiotherapy and showed preliminary efficacy in recurrent GBM patients, according to results from a global phase I trial presented at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2024, held April 5–10.

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Oncolytic herpes simplex virus expressing IL-2 controls glioblastoma growth and improves survival

Glioblastoma (GBM), a highly immunosuppressive and often fatal primary brain tumor, lacks effective treatment options. GBMs contain a subpopulation of GBM stem-like cells (GSCs) that play a central role in tumor initiation, progression, and treatment resistance. Oncolytic viruses, especially oncolytic herpes simplex virus (oHSV), replicate selectively in cancer cells and trigger antitumor immunity—a phenomenon termed the “in situ vaccine” effect.

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CAR T Cell-Based Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Glioblastoma

CAR T cells are a highly promising therapy for GBM with many potential target TAs identified. [...] However, there is still a long way ahead for CAR T cell therapy before it becomes a standard of care for the treatment of patients with GBM. Most clinical trials have proven that CAR T cells as a monotherapy are not particularly effective in solid tumors due to numerous immune escape mechanisms utilized by cancer cells (Lim and June, 2017). So far this appears to also be true for GBM, which additionally presents its own unique challenges to overcome. Among them, optimization of CAR T cell delivery into the brain is an important obstacle to overcome.

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CAR-T Trial Targets Glioblastoma Brain Cancer

Researchers initiated a pioneering clinical trial using an advanced form of CAR-T therapy, enhanced by synthetic notch (synNotch) technology, to treat glioblastoma. This trial represents a significant shift towards targeted, safer cancer therapies. The synNotch technology allows CAR-T cells to precisely target tumor cells while sparing healthy tissue, potentially overcoming previous limitations of CAR-T in treating solid tumors like brain cancer. With this new approach, researchers aim to extend survival and improve the quality of life for patients with this aggressive cancer, marking a critical step in translational medicine from laboratory research to clinical application.

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A Roadmap of CAR-T-Cell Therapy in Glioblastoma: Challenges and Future Perspectives

GBM constitutes an aggressive tumor associated with a dismal prognosis. Consequently, a compelling imperative exists for exploring innovative therapeutic interventions. CAR-T-cell therapy has garnered substantial attention within the realm of immunotherapy, showcasing promise across various tumor types, including GBM. Over time, refinements in the structures and functionalities of CAR-T cells have been pursued to enhance their efficacy in targeting tumor antigens. Nevertheless, the formidable challenges posed by the immunosuppressive TME, inter- and intra-tumoral heterogeneity, the immune-privileged status of the brain, and the hypoxic conditions prevailing in the tumor environment present formidable hurdles in the development of efficacious CAR-T-cell therapies for GBM.

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Adaptan una terapia CAR-T para tratar a personas con glioblastoma

En concreto, la terapia CAR-T, que ha prolongado la supervivencia de miles de pacientes con leucemia y otros cánceres sanguíneos, se está adaptando en la UC San Francisco para tratar a personas con glioblastoma, el tumor cerebral adulto más frecuente y mortal. Esta nueva versión más potente de CAR-T emplea una novedosa tecnología desarrollada en la UCSF denominada muesca sintética ('synNotch'), que protege el tejido sano del daño y permite que el tratamiento sea más eficaz.

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Revolutionizing Glioblastoma Treatment

Researchers demonstrated significant initial success using CAR-T therapy for glioblastoma, a notoriously deadly brain cancer. They detailed the outcomes of the first three patients in a Phase 1 clinical trial who experienced dramatic tumor reductions shortly after treatment. This innovative approach combines CAR-T cells with bispecific antibodies to more effectively target the heterogeneous cell populations within solid tumors. While the initial results show promise, the team is exploring ways to enhance the longevity of the therapy’s effectiveness.

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VBI Vaccines Presents Encouraging Early Tumor Response Data From Randomized Controlled Phase 2b Study of VBI-1901 in Recurrent Glioblastoma

Early data from patients eligible for evaluation at week 12 show two observations of stable disease, indicating no tumor progression, in VBI-1901 treatment arm (n=2/5; 40% disease control rate [DCR]) By comparison, no tumor responses have been observed in the control arm to-date (n=0/6; 0% DCR), with all patients seeing a 2-8x increase in tumor size by week 6. FDA has granted both Fast Track Designation and Orphan Drug Designation to VBI-1901 in recurrent GBM following encouraging Phase 1/2a study results

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Investigating mechanisms of aggressive glioblastoma tumor growth

Treating glioblastoma is particularly difficult because the tumor recruits immunosuppressive macrophages—white blood cells that defend the body against disease and infections—into the tumor microenvironment to support the tumor's growth and make the tumor more resistant to therapy, said Peiwen Chen, Ph.D., assistant professor of Neurological Surgery and senior author of the study.

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Glioblastoma Patient Sees Tumor Almost Disappear In Days Thanks To New Breakthrough

A new treatment to fight an extremely aggressive type of brain tumor showed promise in a pair of experiments with a handful of patients. The strategy is focused on treating glioblastoma, one of the deadliest types of cancer, which is only diagnosed at stage 4 and has a five-year survival rate of around 10%.

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Brain cancer breakthroughs using the immune system offer hope against glioblastoma

A flurry of new studies suggest scientists are finally figuring out how to harness the immune system to attack a ruthless form of brain cancer. While preliminary, the results offer hope that progress is possible against glioblastoma, the terrible form of cancer that so swiftly took the lives of Arizona Senator John McCain and President Joe Biden's son Beau.

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