Urban lighting system Anello - Pole-top applications iGuzzini | Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia | Scoop.it

Anello was invented as part of a project to redevelop the old town centre of Poitiers, for which designer Marc Aurel came up with the idea of lighting public areas with a luminaire that doesn’t look cold and stand out, but instead harmoniously fits in with the squares and parks, almost as if it were an object that looks familiar to us.

A lighting system for urban furnishing, compact, round, inspired by a large ring with feature edges, whose surface shows off a geometric trick: the optical assembly structure is gloss black cast aluminium with a transparent methacrylate outer screen and pyramid-shaped inner decorative elements, which generate a special optical effect.

Anello uses LED lamps and is available in a double version, one for general down light, the other with up/down light. [...]

Via Mariano Pallottini