Steve Lewis’ Sixties Album : Spitalfields Life | Historical London |

Starting at seventeen years old, photographer Steve Lewis took all these pictures while he was working for the Ilford Recorder and the Newham Recorder in the nineteen-sixties.


Tom Duncan, Editor of the Newham Recorder, was keen to tackle social issues and the reality of working class people’s lives in the East End, that were barely touched by London’s “Swinging Sixties.” “He was very go-ahead and he asked me to take a picture every week as a way to record what was going on and he called it ‘Lewis’ View’” recalled Steve, “I was not really aware what I was doing at the time, fitting in these pictures whilst I was putting together other stories for the paper.”


Steve Lewis will be showing his photographs and talking about his work with archivist Stefan Dickers this Tuesday 28th October 7:30pm, at the Bishopsgate Institute, and tickets are available here