Reddit's new multireddit feature brings a massive change to its front page | Infographics and Social Media |

It’s been years since community news sharing site Reddit has made a major change to how things appear on its coveted front page of popular submissions, but today the company announced a new feature called multireddits that could do just that.


Reddit enables its users to submit links or self-authored posts to a variety of “subreddits” (aka a specific category). The multireddit feature enables you to combine several of those subreddits together, which can then be subscribed to on its own. It’s worth noting that the capability to create a multireddit has been around for a while (manually typing each subreddit’s name in the URL), but now the Reddit team is making it easier to share and browse through them. Previously, if you wanted this kind of functionality, you’d have to create another user account and subscribe to only the subreddits you wanted to collect or create a new folder of content on iOS app AlienBlue.


“We’re working on making browsing reddit easier and more diverse,” Reddit developer Max Goodman (aka chromakode) wrote about the new feature. “The first step is giving you deeper control over what makes up your front page.”



Via Nick Cobb