Will the metaverse be your new workplace? | information analyst | Scoop.it

Will rival virtual worlds interconnect in a way that simply doesn't happen at the moment between competing technologies? Will we spend more time there than in the real world? Will we need entirely new rules to govern these new spaces?

None of these questions have answers yet, but that hasn't stopped a barrage of interest and hyperbole as firms see a new way of making money.

We've seen businesses opening in nascent metaverse worlds, from Meta's Horizon Worlds, to games such as Roblox and Fortnite, and newly created lands like Sandbox and Decentraland.

Meanwhile, Nike now sells virtual trainers, HSBC owns land in Sandbox, and Coca-Cola, Louis Vuitton and Sotheby's have presences in Decentraland.

The term metaverse was coined nearly 30 years ago by author Neal Stephenson. In his book Snow Crash, the hero finds a better life for himself in a virtual reality world.


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Via Gust MEES