JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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How to build the SPA for enterprise application using Angular2 and ASP.Net WebApi

How to build the SPA for enterprise application using Angular2 and ASP.Net WebApi | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Some highlight technologies:

  • Angular2 (typescript)
  • WebApi (RESTful)
  • Entity Framework
  • Bootstrap
  • IoC
  • Multi-Layer architecture
  • Modular your Application
  • Multi Languages
  • Design Pattern (Unit Of Work, Repository, …)
  • SOLID principle
  • Gulp
  • NodeJs
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WebPack For Visual Studio Developers -

WebPack For Visual Studio Developers - | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Burke Holland explains how the WebPack module loader let's you load any asset - CommonJS or AMD, JavaScript or CSS - and how to use it with Visual Studio.

WebPack calls itself a “Module Bundler”. We tend to think of modules in terms of JavaScript, but WebPack thinks of them in terms of any assets that you might want to transpile, minify and pipe to the browser. JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, CSS, SASS, images – it doesn’t matter to WebPack. But this is not the reason why I love it. The reason why WebPack is my tool of choice, is that it bridges the gap between AMD and CommonJS.

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Mastering the Arcane Art of JavaScript-mancy for C# Developers

Mastering the Arcane Art of JavaScript-mancy for C# Developers | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

You my friend, cannot ignore JavaScript no longer, JavaScript is the most deployed language on earth, a beautiful and expressive language that supports many paradigms and which has a thriving community that continuously expands and improves its ecosystem with patterns, libraries, frameworks and tools. You don’t want to miss this train.

But JavaScript, though forgiving and specially conceived to be easy to learn, can be either daunting for us that have a strongly-typed mindset baggage and come from languages such as C# or Java or even more often laughed at as a toy.

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AngularJS for ASP.NET MVC Developers

Web Development: AngularJS for ASP.NET MVC Developers by Miguel A Castro

When using ASP.NET MVC, you need to to know how to set Angular up with regards to modules, controllers, and services. And the truth is that not the entire site needs to be one giant Single-Page-Application. I’ll show how to design an ASP.NET MVC site so that it includes pockets of SPA that use Angular, taking advantage of binding, routing, and even back-button support - all while remaining on the client.

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How to setup AngularJS in MVC4 application

How to setup AngularJS in MVC4 application | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
In this post, I would like to explain Part 1 - How to setup AngularJS in MVC4 application. This is our First Post about AngularJS. Here I have explained a little about AngularJS and What we will learn in this section part by part. In this part (Part 1) I am going to explain how to setup AngularJS in MVC4 application.
Jan Hesse's insight:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

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Single Page Application using AngularJS and Web API and Responsive using Bootstrap.

Single Page Application using AngularJS and Web API and Responsive using Bootstrap. | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This article describes on the following topics.

  • What is AngularJS?
  • Design Pattern used for AngularJS.
  • Two way data binding.
  • Routing.
  • Sample project and description.
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Asynchronously Bootstrapping AngularJS Applications with Server-Side Data

Asynchronously Bootstrapping AngularJS Applications with Server-Side Data | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Learn how you can manually bootstrap AngularJS applications and initialize them with asynchronously loaded JSON data.

If you want to bootstrap an AngularJS application with data from your backend, e.g. some essential configuration data, you basically have two main options. You can either …

  • embed the data in the HTML document, or
  • fetch it by making an additional HTTP request.
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How to use Gulp in Visual Studio

How to use Gulp in Visual Studio | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

First, we need to create a package.json file in the root directory of the your project. Next, we will install a few packages that we will use for this project. Run the following command from the same folder that you added the package.json file.

So far, we have been working primarily in the command line. It would be nice if we could integrate with our existing Visual Studio experience.

Luckily, we can with the new Task Runner Explorer plugin. Once the plugin is installed, open the Task Runner Explorer from the View –> Other Windows –> Task Runner Explorer menu.

This window will show you all the tasks in the gulp file and allow you to bind those tasks to certain Visual Studio events. This way, we don’t need to remember to run the gulp tasks from the command line. The IDE can handle it for us.

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A chatroom for all! Part 3 - Building a Backend with Node, Mongo and Socket.IO

A chatroom for all! Part 3 - Building a Backend with Node, Mongo and Socket.IO | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In this part, I will show you how to use your existing express-based node.js app to create a chatroom backend with WebSocket support.

Now we have a chat system capable of broadcasting a message received via websockets to all other connected clients, it saves the message to the database and retrieves the last 10 messages to give context to every new user who joins the chatroom.

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RequireJS.NET | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
RequireJS for .NET brings asynchronous JavaScript loading and flexible js bundling configuration to ASP.NET MVC. You can now have all the benefits of RequireJS and more in a way that is easy to use and fully integrated with ASP.NET
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Building a Single Page Application with ASP.NET, WebAPI, SignalR and AngularJS

You'll learn how to get started building web applications with AngularJS, how to leverage HTML5 features like local storage and pushState, providing efficient server resources via HTTP and web sockets (sing SignalR), important routing configuration concerns, testing and deployment.

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Developing a Large Scale Application with a Single Page Application (SPA) using AngularJS

Developing a Large Scale Application with a Single Page Application (SPA) using AngularJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

When you start to dig deep into the differences between a single-page application and an ASP.NET Master Page implementation, you start to realize that they actually are more similar to each other than different - being that a single-page application is simply a shell page to house content pages just like a master page, except that the shell page in a single-page application does not reload or execute like a master page does with each new page request.

Perhaps the name Single-Page Application is an unfortunate name  that may lead you to believe that the technology is not an appropriate choice for building web-based applications that need to scale to an enterprise-wide application that may consist of several hundred content web pages with thousands of users.

The goal of this article is to develop a single-page application that can be implemented with hundreds of content pages with all the functionality that an enterprise application needs to support thousands of users, including authentication, authorization and session state etc.

Marlon Saville, CAP's curator insight, August 19, 2014 2:38 PM

I have not read a word of this article...can somebody translate?


*Stretch it Out*!

Step-By-Step OData 4 / TypeScript / AngularJs / CRUD Sample

Step-By-Step OData 4 / TypeScript / AngularJs / CRUD Sample | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Combined with TypeScript and AngularJs, Odata 4 provides an important component in creating modern SPA (Single Page Applications) quickly and easily.
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Grunt and Gulp: Task Runners in Asp.Net 5

Grunt and Gulp: Task Runners in Asp.Net 5 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

What’s the difference between Gulp and Grunt? While Gulp is a later entry to the field, it has gained popularity for crisp performance and elegant syntax. Unlike Grunt, which tends to read and write files to disk, Gulp uses a stream (Vinyl) object to pipe method results to following methods, allowing calls to be chained together in a fluent syntax. Grunt is an earlier entry in the client-build-tool space. Grunt modules predefine most everyday tasks like linting, minimizing, and unit testing, and Grunt is widely adopted and downloaded thousands of times each day.

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Completing Project Tracking website using AngularJS and Web API - Part VII

Completing Project Tracking website using AngularJS and Web API - Part VII | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
In this last part of our AngularJS and Web API series, we will perform Insert/Update/Delete operations in our Project Tracking Website by using of AngularJS Services and Controllers

Before starting with our article, we will first recap what we have covered so far in this series:

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Getting Started with React.js in ASP.NET MVC

Getting Started with React.js in ASP.NET MVC | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In this post we will learn how to Getting Started with React.js in ASP.NET MVC.

  • React top feature is SPEED.

ReactJS.NET makes it easier to use Facebook’s React and JSX from C# and other .NET languages, focusing specifically on ASP.NET MVC. It supports on-the-fly JSX to JavaScript compilation, also bundling and minification.

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The JavaScript Overload and Micro Frameworks

The JavaScript Overload and Micro Frameworks | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
You can achieve a lot with HTML5 and CSS, but only if you employ JavaScript libraries as well. It used to be possible to restrict down to one or two libraries, but nowadays, the pressure is on to do more with a web page with such features as touch gestures, dynamic DOM updates or CSS switches. Is there such a thing as too much Javascript? Are we near the limits of what we can do with this technology?
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Single Page CRUD Application (SPA) using ASP.NET Web API, MVC and Angular.js

Single Page CRUD Application (SPA) using ASP.NET Web API, MVC and Angular.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In this article, we will create a SPA using ASP.NET MVC, WEB API and Angular.js. Angular.js is a Model-View-* JavaScript based framework for developing SPA applications. Similarly ASP.NET Web API is a good fit for providing data for these type of applications.

SPA is the requirement of this new generation of web applications. It provides an easy interaction with WEB interfaces for users looking for a Desktop like experience on the Web. A mashup of client-server technologies like Angular.js and ASP.NET Web API helps you create enterprise ready SPA applications.

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Web App Builder - Single Page Application on any Mobile Device

Web App Builder - Single Page Application on any Mobile Device | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Generate a web app instantly, directly from a database (SQL Server)

The following sample application code is an alternative to using libraries such AngularJS, Knockout, etc. Only established libraries jQuery and boostrap are used in conjunction with JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
A very simple approach is used in overlaying iframes or objects and jQuery Post routines & JSON, to read and update the database, without any postback.
The Grid and Detail forms included in this application also contain simple CSS, to make them automatically resize to any mobile device, down to iPhone, etc. Using horizontal and vertical scrolling or swiping allows the user to quickly read all data columns and rows in a Grid.

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Building production websites with Node.js on the Microsoft stack

Node.js on Windows, in production, may not be the most common configuration – but it’s immensely powerful with the help of edge.js, iisnode, and other open sou…
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Log JavaScript client side events in your server side logs

Log JavaScript client side events in your server side logs | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Make no mistake, one way or the other, your app will break. It might break for one user, or five, or hundreds. It might break today, tomorrow or weeks from now. But, as experience tells us, it will break. And then, when that office phone starts to ring, you realize that all you can really tell your client is that things work fine at your end.

Jsnlog is a JavaScript logging package that logs JavaScript errors, AJAX timeouts and other client side events in your server side log. It also supports .Net frameworks like ElmahLog4NetNLogSerilog and Common.Logging. Jsnlog is available as standalone, as an AMD module or CommonJS module, or with (MVC.Net) bundles.

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Single Page Application with .NET MVC and AngularJS

Single Page Application with .NET MVC and AngularJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This project is a code using AngularJs and .net MVC framework. Main function is displaying Phone List and Phone Detials.
This fuction is from tutorial of phoneCat on AngularJs home page. And I added user management module with AngularJS. Usually, AngularJS is used for single page application, but there's lots of adventages if we use MVC together. For example, we can reduce the effort on user authentification and authorization module in AngularJS.
We can move user auth modules on Server side, and it make pretty easy to manage Security, Menu management, etc.

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Integrating Javascript unit tests with Visual Studio build

Integrating Javascript unit tests with Visual Studio build | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

The first step was getting hold of QUnit, a Javascript unit test suite capable of executing our tests; in fact, QUnit is apparently used to unit test not only itself, but also JQueryUI, JQuery and JQuery mobile.

So that’s all great and groovy, but requires a manual step of launching the document in a browser in order to execute the javascript.

Enter Chutzpah, a command-line javascript test runner. It uses PhantomJS to execute javascript in a headless (read:no window) Webkit browser and also allows us to execute it from the command line.

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Managing Your Page States with Backbone Routers

Managing Your Page States with Backbone Routers | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In my last few columns, I've looked at building a Backbone application with TypeScript and shown how to create a client-side Backbone Model that corresponds to a Customer object on my server (which, in turn, is created from data managed by Entity Framework). To bridge the gap from my server to the client, I use a Web API Web Service that returns several Customer objects when synced with the Backbone Collection that manages my Customer Models. I pass that Backbone Collection of Customers to two Backbone Views that work together to generate an HTML dropdown list

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