From Auto to Manual – Who Else Wants Full Camera Control? | Le photographe numérique |


Are you currently shooting on Automatic  - not taking advantage of the manual settings available in your camera? No worries – we’ve all been there!


I shot on automatic for over a year into my business – can you believe it! It´s true and I can tell you exactly WHY this was the case…..

Learning to shoot manual was overwhelming, it seemed difficult – I had no one to help me and it reminded me of a time in my childhood I really did not want to think about: doing math in school!


I did create pretty decent pictures in auto and no one was complaining about me not shooting manual. And to be honest I was thinking; “why on earth should I go through the hassle of learning that” I just did not get it – I did not understand WHY this could be a benefit for me.


So let me share with you what I know today, that I did not know back then:


+ When you control the manual settings – you get FULL control over your style and images. This is when you can get really creative and this can not be done in auto.

+ When you have the control, you save time in photoshop, because your photo will be close to perfect right out of the camera – you just need to fine-adjust a few things – that´s all.

+ By knowing the camera settings you can “dance a beautiful tango” with the available light, instead of being frustrated with it. You can create magic!


It was not until I started to comprehend these benefits, that I became eager to learn to shoot in manual. Once you understand just HOW important light is to making or breaking a photo, you will want to start shooting in manual mode.


It might seem difficult and very technical, but it´s actually easier than you think – you just need to put some time aside to practice, take a lot of shots, learn from them and delete them – then do it all over again.


Use the guidelines in this lesson and before you know it you´ll shoot in full manual mode!


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