LL archive April 2013:South East Londoner Kate Tempest performs Line in the Sand : Apples and Snakes | London Life Archive | Scoop.it

How powerful is Kate!

if you think you don't like poetry, if you think you don't understand poetry, you must seek out Kate. For me, it sometimes has to be a performance beyond the printed page. Kate was born to perform.


We have been following her since seeing her electrifying performance of Brand New Ancients @ the BAC, reviewed by London Life last September.


Learn more about Kate Tempest here: http://katetempest.co.uk/

and here: http://secretsoundshop.com/2012/07/17/video-29-kate-tempest/


For more on Apples and Snakes : http://applesandsnakes.org/page/3586/Kate+Tempest+performs+Line+in+the+Sand