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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

How Compete with Amazon? via @Curagami Forum

How Compete with Amazon? via @Curagami Forum | Must Market |

Competing With Amazon
Competing with one of the Internet's 4 horsemen is hard but not impossible. Amazon is a monster, but a monster with vulnerabilities as all monsters have. Amazon is too big to listen and care. They compete on price. 

Price doesn't create love. Price is about convenience, ease of use and becoming the Walmart of the web. No one loves Walmart much and few LOVE Amazon and therein lies the rub for Small to Medium Sized Businesses as this Curagami post shares. 

Did you know Amazon has several prices for the same thing almost all the time? This post teaches you how to really know what Amazon is charging for something so your prices won't be so far out of line as to appear absurd and so rejected on first inspection. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

7 Quick Tips on Setting Up Your Startup On Social Media via @shane_barker

7 Quick Tips on Setting Up Your Startup On Social Media via @shane_barker | Must Market |

SMM For Startups
Great tips here for #startups including:

1. Create Your Social Media Strategy
2. Choose the Right Social Networks

3. Ask Your Audience What They Want
4. Provide Customer Service on Social Media
5. Build An Online Community
6. Constantly Evaluate Your SMM Strategy

7. Don't Be Afraid To Experiment

I left a comment on Shane's post about the need to curate content and blog. Social media without meaningful shares is spam. Startups are so self referential. They are so widget focused it can be hard to have them THINK about the world their widget fits into. Content curation helps open any company up to great relevant content from other sources. Curating that content creates a supportive social network and places a startups business in context.  



malek's curator insight, October 11, 2015 6:58 PM

I would say #6.Track and evaluate your social media performance, is probably the one we hardly do.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Community Shock Is Coming - Curagami

Community Shock Is Coming - Curagami | Must Market |

Content Shock Meets Community Shock
Building on Mark Schaefer's brilliant Content Shock ideas the next web marketing tsunami will be Community Shock. Community Shock is when adding one more member DEPRESSES instead of LIFTS a site's ROI (because cost of acquiring new members became unsustainably high due to intense competition). 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Why I'm Not A SEO #3

Why I'm Not A SEO #3 | Must Market |

Why I'm Not A SEO in 3 Parts

Why Not A SEO #1
Blue Oceans on Scenttrail Marketing 

Why Not SEO #2
Used Car Salesmen LinkedIn 

Why Not SEO #3
Confusingly Similar & the Psychology of Great Web Marketers
on Curagami  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Social Media Marketing: Do You Have A Tin Ear? via @Curagami

Social Media Marketing: Do You Have A Tin Ear? via @Curagami | Must Market |

Social Media: It’s The conversation, stupid Are You Listening? Why is it so hard for institutions and companies to listen? Here is a sequence of social marketing I created to support the James Cancer Hospital that underscores how listening creates opportunity in a social / mobile / connected time. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Ouch! 3 Ways To Avoid the Coming Community Shock - Curatti

Ouch! 3 Ways To Avoid the Coming Community Shock - Curatti | Must Market |

Community shock is what comes after March Schaefer's content shock. This post shares 3 quick tips for winning the coming race to create online community:

* Social - embracing social media marketing.

* Mobile - operating mobile first and crating responsive websites.

* Gamification - using the 4th pillar of building online community to attain the scale and return every Internet marketer needs.

malek's curator insight, April 29, 2014 6:48 AM

Intriguing, mix economy with content and you'll be playing a new game. @Martin (Marty) Smith is outlining how to survive the new order.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Toy Story's Creator Shares Magical Storytelling Tips [TED Talk Video]

Toy Story's Creator Shares Magical Storytelling Tips [TED Talk Video] | Must Market |
Filmmaker Andrew Stanton ("Toy Story," "WALL-E") shares what he knows about storytelling -- starting at the end and working back to the beginning. Contains graphic language ... (Note: this talk is not available for download.)
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

We are entering a time when STORY is paramount. Anyone and everyone can share content. Few can tell great stories. Fewer websites will tell great stories. 

Andrew Stanton shares great tips every Internet marketer and web designer should take to heart as we enter "the time of online stories". Loved this explanation of why stories are so important for humans:

"We all love stories. We're born for them. Stories affirm who we are. We all want affirmations that our lives have meaning. And nothing does a greater affirmation than when we connect through stories. It can cross the barriers of time, past, present and future, and allow us to experience the similarities between ourselves and through others, real and imagined."

and ...

"In 1998, I had finished writing "Toy Story" and "A Bug's Life" and I was completely hooked on screenwriting. So I wanted to become much better at it and learn anything I could. So I researched everything I possibly could. And I finally came across this fantastic quote by a British playwright, William Archer: "Drama is anticipation mingled with uncertainty." It's an incredibly insightful definition. "|

I love the idea of Story as affirmation. Reviews are affirming stories. Comments and other forms of User Generated Content (social shares) also feel like "affirming signals".

Affirmation goes in two directions as my friends at Bazaar Voice taught me years ago. I asked, "Why would someone write the 251st review of a product?" "To join the tribe," was their simple and beautiful explanation.

One VERY important role for User Generated Content (UGC) is to confirm the contributor as a member of the tribe. The other is to confirm the content being reviewed or commented on. More than affirmation UGC can help reset a company's branding and positioning.

As marketers we have our own language and the "curse of knowledge". We know too much about the stories we tell. UGC helps confirm our story is consistent with the experience our products create.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Mint Social Currency: 3 Insider Tips - Curatti

Mint Social Currency: 3 Insider Tips - Curatti | Must Market |

Why Contagious? You could read Jonah Berger’s Contagious: Why Things Catch On as an update to Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make A Big Difference, but I wouldn’t (lol). 

Berger’s assertion that Gladwell is mostly wrong seems moot. The Tipping Point is philosophy. Berger’s book is ditch digging psychology based on his empirical research at Wharton.

Berger shares 3 key ideas to create viral marketing:

  • Find or Create Inner Remarkability.
  • Leverage Game Mechanics.
  • Make People Feel Like Insiders.

This post shares my favorite examples for each of Berger's Contagious traits including Red Bull for "Inner Remarkability", for leveraging game mechanics and Rue La La for making people feel like insiders.

Brian Yanish -'s curator insight, March 4, 2014 12:14 AM

Great post @Martin (Marty) Smith a must read for all marketers!

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

5 New SEO Secrets that Will Shift Your Business into High Gear - Curatti

5 New SEO Secrets that Will Shift Your Business into High Gear - Curatti | Must Market |
"New SEO" based on content & social marketing spins different than old "optimize everything" SEO. Here are 5 New SEO Secrets to help your content WIN.
malek's curator insight, February 4, 2014 9:13 AM

Eye opener on the ever changing SEO world

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

What You Need to Know About Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk [Infographic]

What You Need to Know About Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk [Infographic] | Must Market |

I'm all about Infographics these days, so I decided to break down my new book into some fun stats. Take a look!


Marty Note
Gary Vaynerchuk's latest book is excellent. Gary describes the Thank You Economy as a great "jab" book. He wanted to right a great "right hook" book too, a book about conversion and how to finish the social marketing fight we are all in. 

He is aware, via his consulting work, that many view social media as a fad. He wishes them well as they fade off into obscurity (lol). I love his 3 characteristics of a great "right hook":

* Easy to understand (and present) Call-to-Action (CTA). 
* Crafted agnostic and beautiful on any receiving device.

* Respects the nuances of the social network for which you make the content. 

That last bullet should be the eye opening moment for many Internet marketers. Marketers who have one-sided conversations that don't respect the subtle and not so subtle nuance of platforms they use to communicate their stories will be treated like the spammers they are. 

It is not enough, Vaynerchuk explains, to have awesome content. Content must be massaged to the medium. Where once the medium was the message now the medium influences the shape, form, tone and syntax of our stories. To be heard your marketing must speak the right language at the right time. 

Will be writing a more extensive review, but BRAVO and KUDOS to Gary for creating writing another groundbreaking book a true "right hook".  

malek's curator insight, January 9, 2014 1:18 PM

Looks interesting. Infographic is a visual leap, add some fun and you have a great resource to read and SHARE

Neil Ferree's curator insight, January 9, 2014 2:38 PM

What we need to know as Internet Marketers

Where once the medium was the message now the medium influences the shape, form, tone and syntax of our stories.

To be heard your marketing must speak the right language at the right time.

 What are your Top Performing Social Media Profiles?

Lori Wilk's curator insight, January 9, 2014 6:39 PM

Gary is keeping us up on the latest trends in the marketplace. You can always learn something from his books  and blogs. Great use of infographics and his ways of explaining was we need to know for our businesses about social media.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

7 Common Video Marketing Mistakes To Avoid via

7 Common Video Marketing Mistakes To Avoid via | Must Market |
It’s every marketer’s dream: producing a company video that goes viral or gets nominated for an Emmy Award. But if we have to be realistic, it should, at
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Video, especially great video marketing, is hard. I've created a handful of videos and have come away from the experience changed (lol). Best to avoid these BIG mistakes:

* Overlook importance of the script (AGREE).
*  Information overload, remember the KISS idea. 

* Too long - Vine is 6 seconds and that is the direction we are headed. 

* Bad Music or Music That Sits Up too Much (too loud or distracting).

* Animation is too fast (they always are). 

* No clear goal for the video in the first place (AGREE). 

* Bad VO (voice over). 

I got a lot of grief for insisting on a second to second mapped script by my last boss. Too much planning felt like selling used cars to him. Problem is time is literally MONEY on a video shoot. Even if you are doing you own shoot, something I would NOT recommend, you have people and resources tied up so PLAN IT OUT I say and so disagree with my old boss (lol).

Good luck, video is HARD but necessary. Video is an important bridge between your written and graphical content. Video creates personality and warmth (done right) and anger and frustration (done wrong). Angry customers don't typically BUY anything so avoid these seven video marketing mistakes.  

BTW, you want to HOST your videos inside your techncial "stack", see my note on this GPlus post:  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

The Most Critical Missing Element of Small Business Marketing? Effective Backends

The Most Critical Missing Element of Small Business Marketing? Effective Backends | Must Market |
What your sales back end can tell you about your small business marketing… When considering small business marketing, most owners think about getting exposure and visits/clicks/views, etc.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great post by Michael Nelson about how and why Small To Medium sized Businesses can create a highly converting online process. Backend is movement of visitors to buyers. Buying can be defined broadly such as joining an email list is a form of "buying".

I love this tip about the Thank You Page:

"The “thank you” page is the location where your prospects who sign up on your squeeze page are taken.  This page can be the place they download or print the free offer and can be a page that provides them with another “call to action.”  Here is an example of a thank you page.

As you can see, neither page has to be too visually appealing, just have an effective offer and clear message."

The ""neither page has to be too visually appealing" message is so important. I've watched new to web SMBs spend budgets on how things look. The elastic value, what you bank after costs, of "beautiful" and confusing vs. "ugly" and clear is NOTHING. I'm an Internet marketer which means "beautiful" to me is something that converts better than what was there before especially if I didn't have to break the bank to learn how to "beat the control".

Michael post explains how to engage and close "sales" online in great detail. Here is another favorite quote from the piece:

"The “call to action” is the most obvious, but often the most overlooked in small business marketing.  Make it clear what you would like the prospects to do.  Click here to get this…Act now to get a free coupon… etc."

YES, hidden or lack critical CTAs (calls to action) would be on my "most common landing page mistakes" list of all time. High contrast CTAs, I prefer orange or red but have tested blue to a win once, that jump off the page would be my preference.

A boss told me he thought CTA approach was too "used car salesmen-like". Perhaps, but visitors WANT you to share what they are supposed to do next AND the benefits such an action should generate. The person who saw me as a used car salesmen did at least an equal disservice by keeping his true desires under wraps.

I prefer being clear, honest and immediate. DO THIS and GET THIS and this offer ends ON. We had long discussions about my belief B2B marketing is only different from B2C in one significant way - TIMING.

The more I thought about it the more even TIMING seems similar since B2C only SEEMS like immediate S-R curves (Stimulus-Response). A B2C merchant’s ability to sell today is built on their reputation and relationships too, so there is NO difference between B2B and B2C marketing.

I tried to explain my "invisible hand" theory of Internet marketing. When you visit a site I've architected you are looking for me (me or my team's curation and design hand). You want to "know" the architects of the space you are in. Clicking is a sign of respect and recognition of that desire (to get to know the environmental architects).

Michael's great explanations expose the invisible hand; make it clear what visitors need to do and who benefits. What a concept! A simple concept that can double your online sales.


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Care and Feeding of Networks & 10 Must Follow Scoopiteers

Care and Feeding of Networks & 10 Must Follow Scoopiteers | Must Market |

This post was fun to write. I spent the morning writing about the importance of thinking digital first. This post shares 5 tips about the care and feeding of possibly your most important asset - your network of support, advocacy and content. If your content network isn't the most important thing no one really thinks about very often I don't know what is. 

Since it isn't fair to tease such a list and not share, here is my list of 10 Must Follow Scoopers:

@Robin Good 
@Guillaume Decugis
@Ally Greer 
@ janlgordon 
@Jesús Hernández
@Brian Yanish -
@Dr. Karen Dietz
@Thierry Saint-Paul 
@Neil Ferree
@Ana Cristina Pratas  

If you want to see what each of these great content curators has taught me you will need to read the post (since I'm not one to spoil a tease :).   

Brian Yanish -'s curator insight, November 9, 2013 12:56 PM

Totally agree with Marty, each of these Scoopers uses to build their readership.  That's right they are using Other Peoples Content (OPC) that they curate to build their own following and traffic to their channels be it a website or social network. 

Jack Varnell's curator insight, June 14, 2015 3:00 PM

Thanks for this list... I must be doing something right. All were in my network. Even the incomparable @KarenDietz !

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Marketing Questions on Quora Summary - Curagami

Marketing Questions on Quora Summary - Curagami | Must Market |
Marketing Questions on Quora Summary
We’re answering a marketing question a day on Quora, and we’re frustrated. We are frustrated by difficulties of incorporating other platforms into our site.

NOW = Gamification, Content Marketing & Content Marketers
Wish every platform would sign...Read More
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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from SEO!

SEO THE DEBATE via @NJMarketingNerd

SEO THE DEBATE via @NJMarketingNerd | Must Market |
What does it take to achieve search engine success these days? The answer to this question is incredibly wide-ranging and often debatable. SEO’s, digital marketers and web professionals seek to find the answer [...]

Via Marilyn Moran
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Much like Marilyn we've been fascinated by the SEO mystery. In fact we've started a 3 part triptych entitled: Why The New SEO Looks Like The Old SEO on Curagami. Our first post on Brands is up now: 

Marilyn's post captures the technical seo or no debate between Rand Fishkin and Jayson Demers. Fishkin freely admitted his "flywheel" content idea doesn't seem to be holding water (because there is no correlation between social shares and SEO ore even social shares and engagement). I embedded that Rand Fishkin Whiteboard friday into the main Why New SEO Looks Like Old Page: 
Along with a a few caveats. Will finish the Why New is Old Curagami triptych next week.  In the meantime, read Maryilyn's post for the latest on the SEO DEBATE. 

Marilyn Moran's curator insight, August 7, 2015 7:04 PM

I share my thoughts on the debate on whether you need technical expertise for Modern SEO.

Marilyn Moran's comment, October 10, 2015 7:55 PM
@Martin (Marty) Smith - thank you so much for sharing & for the kind words! I really appreciate it! :)
Marilyn Moran's comment, October 10, 2015 7:55 PM
@Martin (Marty) Smith - thank you so much for sharing & for the kind words! I really appreciate it! :)
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Make A Mobile Icon For Your Blog Featured On Reddit

Make A Mobile Icon For Your Blog Featured On Reddit | Must Market |

Easy Marketing Trick
Want to increase traffic to your blog without spending any money? Use JetPack's mobile icon to add an icon for your blog on your phone AND share with your customers so they have a quick link from their phones to your blog.

Featured on Reddit! 

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, June 15, 2015 4:02 PM
Thanks @malek! You know now hard "down to earth" is for me, but this one was a fun find. Marty
malek's comment, June 15, 2015 5:43 PM
@Martin (Marty) Smith it's the singer, not the song
Pooja Runija's curator insight, June 16, 2015 2:03 AM

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Luke I Am Your FATHER! Surviving Google via @Curagami

Luke I Am Your FATHER! Surviving Google via @Curagami | Must Market |

Everything Is Harder Suddenly everything online seems harder. Or there may be a slow drip with energy and value leaking out seemingly unrecoverable. Google’s algorithmic haircuts hurt no matter how realization dawns. This post is about how to recover, regain and reposition your website after traffic, conversions and money are dealt an injury by an algorithm change by the Google Gods.

Follow these 5 Easy Steps to Recover:

  • Stop, Wait & Listen.
  • Analytics Deep Dive.
  • Create New KPIs.
  • Back In To Blue Oceans.
  • Create Community.

Possibly "easy" is the wrong word (lol). First STOP whatever you've been doing since "old SEO" tactics don't work anymore. Next figure out where to go that new and start testing. This Curagami post shares several Haiku Decks and explains each of those 5 "Recovery" tips.

Marijo's curator insight, April 22, 2015 6:55 PM

Always great posts to read and learn something new from Marty!

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from MarketingHits!

5 Secrets of Social Media Lead Generation [Infographic] via @MarketingHits

5 Secrets of Social Media Lead Generation [Infographic] via @MarketingHits | Must Market |
Did you know that social media can generate almost 100% more leads than any other channel including; direct mail, telemarketing, trade shows or even PPC?

Via Brian Yanish -
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Yeah I've read that social media is an amazing lead gen tool, but there are some important ways to go about it outlined in this excellent infographic from @Brian Yanish -

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

New SEO: Why Online Community Is A Game - CrowdFunde

New SEO: Why Online Community Is A Game - CrowdFunde | Must Market |
You are playing a game. Once more than one person is involved games have begun. Online communities must disrupt and gamify to win.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Building online community is HARD. This post shares the 4th "Pillar" of online community - Gamificaiton. The New SEO: 3 Pillars of Online Community share the other 3: 

and this post is linked to gamificaiton as the 4th Pillar here  

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Blog WP Inbound Marketing Leads!

The WordPress Guide For Small Businesses

The WordPress Guide For Small Businesses | Must Market |
We’ve pulled together a resource which rather than aiming to tell you everything, instead tells you exactly what you need to know to get your own website up and running in no time.


Business owners are aware of the increasing importance of having an online presence; regardless of whether their key objective is using their website to sell online, to generate enquiries, or act as a branding tool. However the costs associated with building and particularly maintaining a website can quickly become a drain on business owners.

WordPress is a platform that appeals to many, as even if you have no coding experience you can set up a website and manage it yourself.

This step-by-step guide takes the guesswork out, so you'll be up and running in no time.


By Jasper Martens / Hannah Smith.


Via maxOz, Yann De Tod
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Interesting way to organize an "Ultimate Guide".

France Lafleur's curator insight, March 6, 2014 10:03 AM

Ce tableau pourrait vous aiguiller et vous permettre de commencer sur le bon pied avec WordPress.

Alain Theriault MBA's curator insight, March 11, 2014 9:49 AM

a step-by-step approach to a WordPress site for a small business

Social Globe's curator insight, April 7, 2014 8:06 AM

Pour ne rien oublier des étapes clés

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

5 Easy Steps To EPIC Content Marketing - Curatti

5 Easy Steps To EPIC Content Marketing - Curatti | Must Market |

If you are going to create #contentmarketing these days it better be EPIC. There is way too much noise. Only Epic Content will do. Here are 5 Easy Steps To Create Epic Content Marketing:

* Get your C-level executives to BELIEVE.
* Think Mobile First.
* Work with customers and creating a "commons".
* COPE (Create Once Publish Everywhere).
* Write a Content Marketing Mission Statement.

Set the stage with those easy steps and EPIC is possible, epic content marketing is probable IF your commitment is strong, you learn fast and you don't mind failing a little. Remember the content you write is NOT about you.

Epic content marketing is always about CUSTOMERS. Answering questions, solving pain points and finding innovative ways to be "of service" are all great ideas for your EPIC content marketing.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Content's Marketing's Hard Rain A-Gonna Fall & Here's Your Umbrella

Content's Marketing's Hard Rain A-Gonna Fall & Here's Your Umbrella | Must Market |

Content's Marketing's Hard Rain A-Gonna Fall
As much as I love a good debate the one I covered on ScentTrail Marketing on Friday between CEO Guillaume and ace content blogger Mark Schaefer is moot.

Google's algorithm is set. Facebook's "edgerank" is tightening. As Barabasi notes in his highly recommended book LINKED: How Everything Is Connected To Everything Else a hard rain is about to fall on content creators.

Do I believe in Guilluame advocacy of content curation? Yes, do I believe content curation can save PR4 blogs? Not even a little bit. The rich are about to get richer. Smart move is to pay the freight - cut partnership deals with content hubs in your business segment.

This G+ post shares how to structure such a deal since you need to discuss a lot of dimensions of support (not just what you owe them for their greatness lol).


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Quirky Email Marketing Makeover: Good To Great

Quirky Email Marketing Makeover: Good To Great | Must Market |

Quirky Email Marketing Makeover TIps is new to email marketing. They haven't won the hard won lessons 7 years as a Director of Ecommerce teaches such as:

* Less is more in email marketing.

* Never forget your Call-To-Action.
* Selling more than one idea in an email is crazy.

Quirky started strong with a cold weather hero (hero is largest image on an email or webpage), but made a common "new to email marketing" mistake - they thought their content is as interesting to US as it is to THEM.

Not so much (lol).

Best to apply some Occam's razor to your email marketing cuttting down to a single relevant idea. Quirky's BEFORE makeover email could become 6 or 10 emails. Showed how I would change their email and bet those changes woud increase conversioins 10x.


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

How Canonicalization Can Save You: Guide To Canonicals In WordPress

How Canonicalization Can Save You: Guide To Canonicals In WordPress | Must Market |

Welcome To Content Marketing
Many "new to content marketing" are blasting content out on new WordPress blogs, creating categories and loving life. Glad to have you and if you are reading this post then you know it is time to learn some "inside baseball" content marketing and SEO tips. 

Google doesn't like content to be duplicated. Problem is we bloggers and merchants MUST duplicate content since some of our readers care about SEO while another set wants to learn about social media marketing. 

An article like my Websites vs. Blogs post for ( ) could be categorized into web design, social media and Internet marketing. WordPress makes setting categories so easy the full ramification of that tag isn't fully understood. 

If I categorized my Websites Vs. Blogs piece in more than one category it appears equally duplicated to Google. The fact I know the piece MAINLY belongs in Internet marketing is something I can share with Google by using a canonical URL. 

I think of the canonical URL as the MASTERBLASTER URL, the URL I WANT Google to think of this content in. Other categories, any category NOT deemed the single MASTERBLASTER category, aren't "indexed" by Google's spider for that piece of content. 

Google sees your intent and understands your instructions to mean "don't index the same content twice" and that makes Google's spider get all warm, fuzzy and happy. You just saved Google TIME and time in the Google algorithm is truly MONEY so chances for your website to gain in authority just went UP. 

Chances to gain in authority when you have the same content in many categories goes DOWN. Your duplication costs Google money and time because they have to sort out if you are good and true or a spammer. Oh, btw Google NEVER sorts out if you are a spammer or good and true (and I wrote that sentence to make my SEO friends laugh :). 

Google ASSUMES you are spamming and treats your dupe content with disrespect and annoyance. Should you create many categories and place content in them? Sure, but when you do so be sure to use canonicalization to send the right signals to Google and so they don't assume you are spamming. 

Promise to write my next post on canonicalization and other important "SEO Ideas For New To Content Marketing". Marty 

BTW, geat @Tomewer post with one of the most clear and concise explanations of a difficult topic I've read. Well done Tom! 



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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from MobileWeb!

Mobile Is The New Black: Make Your Social Media Mobile Friendly

Mobile Is The New Black: Make Your Social Media Mobile Friendly | Must Market |
Are you reading this on your mobile device? The probability is likely, considering there are currently 6 billion (and growing!) active mobile devices in the world, and companies continue to tailor their marketing to the small screen of your iPhone.

Via Brian Yanish -
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great mobile / social Tips Scooped by Brian Yanish (@MarketingHits) including:

* Resize your Facebook posts No bigger than 620 x 320

* Choose Facebook Ads wisely

* Make it visual

* Turn up the content

* Get smart about couponing

* Take advantage of Twitter

* Upload to Instagram

* Utilize Email Marketing

My favorite is getting smart about couponing as that tip can make a real difference to your bottom line especially at this time of year.

Be careful not to have "battling coupons" where one deal wipes out another an check coupon websites like Retail Me Not to make sure they are up to date and don't have old coupon codes that don't work anymore since there is nothing more frustrating than trying to get a deal that is dead.

Joachim Scholz, PhD's curator insight, December 2, 2013 9:24 AM

The first phase of the trend towards mobile is in full swing, and it is time to adapt your marketing strategies for it. Resizing facebook ads, making it more visual and so on are the obvious things to think about, but there is also a second revoultion wrapped in the first: The move to (mobile) content marketing.


To oversimplify: Consumers watch big screens, but they touch small ones!


So the marketing communications you put on consumers' phone screens needs to be much more content oriented, something your consumers will voluntarily seek out. Being a service star in getting consumers the right coupon is a first thing to do, but also add levels of engagement and play. Coke did a great example during the London Olympic Games (on Marketing in Motion, use the Find buttom) for which they created a music DJ/mixing app that allowed consumers to build their own soundtrack to the games and send it to their friends.