Pheed is a social media platform that enables users to create, inspire and share texts, photos, videos, audio tracks, voice-notes and live broadcasts using ipad
All content uploaded is owned by the user, Pheed retains no rights or ownership toward it.
● Capture and share high resolution photos in any size, no cropping
● Upload photo albums in a single pheed
● Capture, record and share high definition videos with no time limit
● Record and share sound, voice notes and audio clips with no time limit
● Your content remains yours - protect all your content with the copyright feature
● 420 characters to share more of your thoughts
● Promote pheeds using hashtags like #pheedthaworld, #phamily, #pheed
● Mentions - tag others easily using @mentions
● “Love” or “Heartache” pheeds and share your pheedback
● Sort timeline view using filters (e.g. photos, video, audio, etc)
● Re-post and share content internally from other Pheed channels using our Remix feature
● Use Keepers to create your own playlist of text, audio, photo, or video
● Get notifications about your content
● Share pheeds on Facebook, Twitter, or via email
● Block users from accessing your content
● Monetization - you have the option to place a monthly (30day) subscription fee on your Pheed channel (users will have to pay you to access your content, you can select your paywall anywhere from $1.99 to $34.99)
● Receive alerts for scheduled live broadcasts events, viewable from the website

Via LucianeCurator