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YouTube will let doctors and nurses apply to be labeled as reliable


YouTube will let healthcare professionals apply to get panels on their videos saying they’re reliable sources of information. The feature was previously available to institutions like hospitals.

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Quality Assessment of Hypertension Treatment–Related Information on WeChat: Cross-sectional Study


Background: The WeChat platform has become a primary source for medical information in China. However, no study has been conducted to explore the quality of information on WeChat for the treatment of hypertension, the leading chronic condition.
Objective: This study aimed to explore the quality of information in articles on WeChat that are related to hypertension treatment from the aspects of credibility, concreteness, accuracy, and completeness.
Methods: We searched for all information related to hypertension treatment on WeChat based on several inclusion and exclusion criteria. We used 2 tools to evaluate information quality, and 2 independent reviewers performed the assessment with the 2 tools separately. First, we adopted the DISCERN instrument to assess the credibility and concreteness of the treatment information, with the outcomes classified into five grades: excellent, good, fair, poor, and very poor. Second, we applied the Chinese Guidelines for Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension (2018 edition) to evaluate the accuracy and completeness of the article information with regard to specific medical content. Third, we combined the results from the 2 assessments to arrive at the overall quality of the articles and explored the differences between, and associations of, the 2 independent assessments.
Results: Of the 223 articles that were retrieved, 130 (58.3%) full texts were included. Of these 130 articles, 81 (62.3%) described therapeutic measures for hypertension. The assessment based on the DISCERN instrument reported a mean score of 31.22 (SD 8.46). There were no articles rated excellent (mean score >63); most (111/130, 85.4%) of the articles did not refer to the consequences—in particular, quality of life—of no treatment. For specific medical content, adherence to the Chinese Guidelines for Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension was generally low in terms of accuracy and completeness, and there was much erroneous information. The overall mean quality score was 10.18 (SD 2.22) for the 130 articles, and the scores differed significantly across the 3 types (P=.03) and 5 sources (P=.02). Articles with references achieved higher scores for quality than those reporting none (P<.001). The results from the DISCERN assessment and the medical content scores were highly correlated (ρ=0.58; P<.001).
Conclusions: The quality of hypertension treatment–related information on the WeChat platform is low. Future work is warranted to regulate information sources and strengthen references. For the treatment of hypertension, crucial information on the consequences of no treatment is urgently needed.
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YouTube va désormais certifier les comptes de médecins 


Le géant de la vidéo en ligne YouTube a annoncé qu'il certifierait désormais des comptes de médecins et autres soignants afin de pouvoir mettre en avant des vidéos fiables sur la santé, une façon de tenter de limiter la désinformation sur ces sujets.

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Guide : le format des vidéos sur Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, LinkedIn…


Découvrez toutes les dimensions des vidéos sur les principaux réseaux sociaux.
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#BeyondTheScore : bilan du 3ème trimestre 2022 de la twittosphère Pharma


Rendez-vous trimestriel lancé par Buzz E-santé et LauMa Communication, #BeyondTheScore est le premier baromètre…
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Les influenceurs santé, ces vulgarisateurs au succès fou sur TikTok


Qui sont les influenceurs santé qui cartonnent actuellement sur TikTok et Instagram? Nous avons pu les rencontrer.
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Le numérique dans la nouvelle organisation du parcours de soins pensée par l’Ordre des médecins  #hcsmeufr #esante


Le 7 octobre, l’Ordre des médecins a publié ses propositions pour une nouvelle organisation de l’équipe de soins coordonnée en intégrant l’utilisation et l’essor du numérique en santé.
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« Youtube ne peut pas laisser dire que la 5G transmet le Covid, nous avons mis en place un label des vidéos fiables en Santé »  #hcsmeufr #esante


« Youtube ne peut pas laisser dire que la 5G transmet le Covid, nous avons mis en place un label des vidéos fiables en Santé » - 40 millions d’utilisateurs par mois en France, 500 contenus qui sont mis en ligne à chaque minute, c’est sûr on trouve de tout sur Youtube. La plateforme a décidé de faire le tri parmi ses vidéos Santé. Mieux, le géant américain a décidé de labelliser certaines chaines comme sources de Santé vérifiées, avec un panneau d’informations et des sections dédiées en tête des résultats de requête. Charles Savreux, porte-parole de Youtube, explique le pourquoi du comment.
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Face aux antivax, YouTube va mettre en avant les chaînes santé fiables


La campagne de rappel Covid a démarré le 3 octobre mais il reste à convaincre le public de sa nécessité. Face aux antivax et à la désinformation en matière de santé, YouTube déploie cette semaine une nouvelle fonctionnalité mettant en avant, lors des requêtes, des chaînes de santé qu'il a référencées comme fiables.
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« Avec ma chaine youtube Doc FX, je veux raconter ce que j’observe aux urgences depuis des années, démentir des légendes urbaines »


« Avec ma chaine youtube Doc FX, je veux raconter ce que j’observe aux urgences depuis des années, démentir des légendes urbaines » - Médecin urgentiste, et véritable star sur twitter, Doc FX lance sa chaine Youtube. Son but, pouvoir informer sur la réalité des urgences à l’hôpital, mais aussi comment réagir face à certaines pathologies… et donner des conseils aux internes !
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Sanofi teams up to run pharmacy-level social media campaigns


Sanofi is looking to boost its market share for key health and beauty products by launching what it calls “highly localized” social media campaigns from the Facebook Pages of the independent pharmacies where the French pharma’s products are sold.

To do this, the Big Pharma is teaming up with Texan advertising company Tiger Pistol to broaden its reach into local pharmacies.
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Identifier et gérer ses leaders d’opinion dans la Health Tech


Les leader d’opinion ou Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) sont un levier d’influence non négligeable, et ce dans de nombreux secteurs. C’est aussi vrai pour toutes les startups relevant de la Health Tech, de la Med Tech ou de la Bio Tech. Dans ces secteurs, un KOL est avant tout un expert dans son domaine clinique. Sa légitimité ne doit pas faire débat parmi ses pairs mais il est également influenceur : il est prescripteur dans son domaine d'expertise de solutions ou de pratiques nouvelles. Savoir gérer ses KOLs est un facteur clé de succès et cet article se propose de détailler les logiques pour identifier, approcher, puis solliciter au bon moment des KOLs. 
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LinkedIn, nouveau territoire d'expression de la pharma


Les laboratoires pharmaceutiques s’emparent peu à peu des réseaux sociaux  avec des approches structurées…

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Digital 2022


Notre Digital Report 2022 met en lumière tout ce que vous devez savoir en termes de données et tendances mondiales sur les comportements sur Internet, les plateformes sociales, le mobile, le gaming, l'e-commerc
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80% de la population française utilise les réseaux sociaux, selon un rapport Hootsuite et We are Social 


Selon le Digital Report 2022 pour la France publié par Hootsuite et We are social sur les dernières tendances locales du digital, des médias sociaux, du mobile, du gaming ou encore du e-commerce, plus de 2 personnes sur 3 utilisent les réseaux sociaux soit 52,6 millions d’utilisateurs (+6% par rapport à l’année dernière). Ils passent en moyenne 1h46 tous les jours sur ces réseaux (+5 minutes par rapport à l’année dernière).
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Social Media and Professional Development for Oncology Professionals


The use of social media continues to increase in health care and academia. Health care practice, particularly the oncologic field, is constantly changing because of new knowledge, evidence-based re...
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Facebook et Instagram suppriment les comptes d’une puissante organisation antivaccin américaine


La Children’s Health Defense, dirigée par Robert Kennedy Jr, neveu de l’ancien président américain et figure antivax, est accusée d’avoir enfreint les règles de ces réseaux sociaux à de nombreuses reprises.
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Medical professionals use Twitter amplifiers to tackle COVID-19 misinformation


At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, when false information about the virus began to spread on Twitter, physicians and scientists from Northwestern Medicine and other institutions banded together to combat the deadly misinformation and disinformation and support one another when they ultimately were attacked online for doing so.
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New WHO report: marketing technologies may be a surprising ally in making the internet healthier


Digital and online ecosystems have for a long time been a playground for unregulated promotional campaigns of unhealthy products, from fast food to alcohol to tobacco. The newly published WHO report “Understanding the digital media ecosystem” explores how countries of the WHO European Region can protect people’s health by better controlling unethical digital advertising techniques, aimed mostly at children and adolescents. Bringing change to a 600-billion-dollar market There is clear evidence that promotion of unhealthy products increases the risk of many noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases. Moreover, online marketing of fast food and sugar-sweetened beverages is related to childhood obesity that can lead to severe NCDs later in life. Producers of unhealthy food, alcohol and tobacco use ever-changing digital ecosystems to unethically market their products to children, who have the right to be protected from misinformation and manipulation. New marketing techniques aimed at children and adolescents are being actively used on social media platforms, in video games and in other types of digital media. These techniques are particularly effective because they are aimed at building an emotional connection with the audience. But as the WHO report has indicated, today’s global digital advertisement ecosystem presents a new window of opportunity to change this 600-billion-dollar market. “The trends we are witnessing in the digital marketing ecosystem provide us with important insights for future work. Countries across the WHO European Region can use this information to build innovative and effective marketing control policies to protect children’s health,” said Dr Kremlin Wickramasinghe, a.i. Head of the WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases. Digital technologies can become allies for health Digital marketing is becoming more centralized, with big tech companies such as Google, Meta (formerly Facebook), Amazon and Microsoft accounting for 60–80% of digital media spending in key markets globally. “It is easier to control advertising content in more vertically focused children’s apps and social and video channels,” explained Mr Tobin Ireland, WHO Special Industry Adviser for the European Region and the lead author of the report. “The same technologies that are currently being used to target unhealthy products advertisements at children or adolescents could as well be used to prevent these ads from reaching underage audiences.” As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, societies and decision-makers all over the world are paying more attention to health issues and a global rise in obesity levels. The timing is good for more coordinated and direct discussions on future policies related to digital platforms. In this context, big tech companies are becoming obvious partners that Member States can approach to set responsible digital marketing rules to help create a healthier future for all, in line with the WHO European Programme of Work 2020–2025 – “United Action for Better Health in Europe”.

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Using Social Media for Clinical Research: Recommendations and Examples From the Brown-Lifespan Center for Digital Health


Social media integration into research has increased, and 92% of American social media participants state they would share their data with researchers. Yet, the potential of these data to transform health outcomes has not been fully realized, and the way clinical research is performed has been held back. The use of these technologies in research is dependent on the investigators’ awareness of their potential and their ability to innovate within regulatory and institutional guidelines. The Brown-Lifespan Center for Digital Health has launched an initiative to address these challenges and provide a helpful framework to expand social media use in clinical research.
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Étude : comment la génération Z utilise les réseaux sociaux en France


Découvrez les habitudes de consommation de la génération Z en France sur les réseaux sociaux.
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Réseaux sociaux : la bataille autour des pilules abortives après la décision de la Cour Suprême


Depuis quelques jours Facebook et Instagram suppriment les publications des internautes qui proposent des pilules abortives.
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