Strand and deliver: Amie Mills on the rise of transmedia storytelling | Scriveners' Trappings |

"People have always loved participating in stories. Charles Dickens was one of the first to serialise his novels and take input from readers before the next chapter was released. But, increasingly, the audience wants to be part of the story and, for the rabid fans, to be given a more detailed back story, not just consume it passively. Accenture recently showed that 87 percent of individuals watch TV with their devices within arm's reach. And Mills says Australian murder mystery Secrets and Lies tapped into this very cleverly by offering those who downloaded a mobile app additional insight into the show, like letting them listen to a phone conversation that couldn't be heard on the live broadcast. Those who didn't have the app didn't miss out on anything, but those who did had their experience enhanced. And she says it's one of the best examples of dual-screen meshing she's ever seen. "

Via The Digital Rocking Chair