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Curated by Ricard Lloria
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

#HR Here’s How To Avoid Drawing A Blank In The Middle Of Your Presentation

#HR Here’s How To Avoid Drawing A Blank In The Middle Of Your Presentation | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

You’re halfway through your talk, and so far it’s going great. You feel confident, and your audience seems to be responding. Then, out of nowhere, your mind goes blank. Crickets. Tumbleweeds. The crushingly dark, noiseless void of outer space itself.


“What was I going to say here? Oh my God, I’m blowing it!”


If you’ve been in this situation, you know how awful that feeling can be–and how hard it is to shake off and regain your footing. So what can you do to prevent these mental wipeouts from happening in the first place? A few things, in turns out...

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, October 8, 2017 5:46 PM

These four techniques can keep the tumbleweeds from rolling through your brain while you’re in the spotlight.

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

How To Coach Confidence In People Who Are Feeling Defeated

How To Coach Confidence In People Who Are Feeling Defeated | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Around half the population of the United States woke up on Wednesday morning to enormous disappointment. In a stunning upset, Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the race for president, leaving Trump supporters elated and many Clinton backers devastated.


But in my work as a coach, I've found that even the most crushing defeats can ultimately be channeled into energy for forging ahead. Regaining confidence is an uphill battle, and it takes a crowd—or at least two people, talking things out—to pull an someone out of a funk. Here's how it can be done.

Via The Learning Factor
Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

5 Body Language Tricks to Instantly Boost Your Confidence

5 Body Language Tricks to Instantly Boost Your Confidence | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Feeling like your confidence could use a boost? Don't stress about it; we all feel anxious and less than fully confident from time to time. When we're in that situation, what we really need to get ourselves moving again with confidence is actually to do just that--to change the way our bodies are moving.


Here are five body-language tricks to make you feel instantly more confident. Check them out to turn down your insecurities while you turn up your positive self-regard.

1. Smile.

It seems silly to smile for no reason, but somehow, our brains are able to be affected by the emotions we tell it to feel more often than not. Even if we smile to no one but ourselves, cracking a grin instantly boosts our self-esteem levels--maybe even subliminally reminding us of times that felt better. When your confidence is lagging, try smiling and see what happens.

2. Stretch tall.

Unless you're abnormally tall, making yourself feel taller in front of anyone can be a useful way to feel bigger--and better--even if its temporary. Don't slouch or roll your shoulders forward. The hunching down tells others, as well as yourself, you don't mind making yourself small.


Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, August 7, 2016 7:59 PM

You can make yourself look and feel more confident by adopting a few simple tricks.

jnicho1872's curator insight, August 8, 2016 1:51 PM
Count me in
Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

#HR Power Posing: Fake It Until You Make It

#HR Power Posing: Fake It Until You Make It | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

We can't be the alpha dog all of the time. Whatever our personality, most of us experience varying degrees of feeling in charge. Some situations take us down a notch while others build us up.

New research shows that it's possible to control those feelings a bit more, to be able to summon an extra surge of power and sense of well-being when it's needed: for example, during a job interview or for a key presentation to a group of skeptical customers.

"Our research has broad implications for people who suffer from feelings of powerlessness and low self-esteem due to their hierarchical rank or lack of resources," says HBS assistant professor Amy J.C. Cuddy, one of the researchers on the study.


In "Power Posing: Brief Nonverbal Displays Affect Neuroendocrine Levels and Risk Tolerance", Cuddy shows that simply holding one's body in expansive, "high-power" poses for as little as two minutes stimulates higher levels of testosterone (the hormone linked to power and dominance in the animal and human worlds) and lower levels of cortisol (the "stress" hormone that can, over time, cause impaired immune functioning, hypertension, and memory loss).

The result? In addition to causing the desired hormonal shift, the power poses led to increased feelings of power and a greater tolerance for risk.

"We used to think that emotion ended on the face," Cuddy says. "Now there is established research showing that while it's true that facial expressions reflect how you feel, you can also 'fake it until you make it.' In other words, you can smile long enough that it makes you feel happy. This work extends that finding on facial feedback, which is decades old, by focusing on postures and measuring neuroendocrine levels."

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, May 12, 2016 7:10 PM

Nervous about an upcoming presentation or job interview? Holding one's body in "high-power" poses for short time periods can stimulate the brain and inspire confidence.

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

5 Simple Ways to Give Yourself Amazing Confidence

5 Simple Ways to Give Yourself Amazing Confidence | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

How much do you believe in yourself? For most of the answer is: not enough. Instead of looking proudly at our accomplishments, we focus on the things we haven't yet done, and on the mistakes we've made. No wonder we find it hard to pitch big clients and investors, sell ourselves as the best, or demand the pay we deserve.

The problem is that many of us take an unrealistically negative view of ourselves and our work, says executive coach and bestselling author Wendy Capland. "We teeter between thinking 'I'm not enough,' and 'I'm not even ready to be enough,'" she says. 

But we don't have to stay there. There are simple things we all can do to get a more clear-eyed--and positive--view of ourselves and our accomplishments. And then, Capland says, "We can step into who we already are."

Here are some simple techniques that work well for Capland's clients, and for Capland herself. Try them next time you need to increase your own confidence:

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, October 29, 2015 5:39 PM

Sometimes we need help remembering how great we really are. Here's how to get it.

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

Is Self-Doubt Holding You Back? 5 Ways To Build Confidence And Banish Doubt

Is Self-Doubt Holding You Back? 5 Ways To Build Confidence And Banish Doubt | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

The problem with self-doubt is that the fear it creates stops us from living the lives we most want and changing the things we don’t.  How?  Fear keeps us living small and stuck in jobs that don’t fulfill us but feel safe.  But is there really anything safe about living a life where you feel disengaged, disillusioned or desperate to be doing something else? of course not. The truth is that who you are is not your doubts. The key to banishing them isn’t to wish them away, but to take action in their presence.


It’s easy to mislead ourselves into thinking that if we just had the success we wanted, then we’d never doubt ourselves again and ooze the confidence we see in others.  But it actually works in reverse.

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, September 22, 2014 7:19 PM

If you find yourself plagued by self-doubt, you’re not alone. In fact, one study of managers by the European Institute for Leadership and Management revealed that 50% of female managers and 31% of male managers admitted to experiencing self-doubt.

Mike Williams's curator insight, September 23, 2014 3:50 AM

Become a better investor, business builder.  

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

7 Habits for Projecting Confidence Instead of Arrogance

7 Habits for Projecting Confidence Instead of Arrogance | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

We all want to be more confident-it's a personal quality that helps us build strong relationships with others, get things done, and move forward in our work and life. However, sometimes we can go overboard, and our confidence can become something much darker: arrogance.


In their book, Why Leaders Fail, authors Peter Stark and Mary Kelly explain how leaders sabotage themselves-and their organizations-when they project arrogance instead of confidence. According to the authors, the defining factor of a strong leader is rooted in the relationships he or she builds with followers, and how effectively he or she propels the organization toward great achievement.

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, January 8, 2017 4:45 PM

We all want to be more confident, but be careful that your confidence doesn't become something much darker.

rodrick rajive lal's curator insight, January 8, 2017 10:56 PM
People have been saying for quite some time now that some brains are wired for languages while others are wired for Maths and others for spatial accuracy. Noam Chomsky would definitely love this! I guess, after all, those people who talked about the left hemisphere of the brain being more for languages were correct after all! However, these wirings can be changed through training and practice!
Scooped by Ricard Lloria

#HR 4 Important #Leadership Lessons From The Final Frontier

#HR 4 Important #Leadership Lessons From The Final Frontier | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
In honour of the 50th anniversary of Star Trek, here are 4 important leadership lessons we can learn from the crew of the Starship Enterprise.
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

7 Quick Ways to Build Your Confidence Right Now

7 Quick Ways to Build Your Confidence Right Now | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Need a rapid-fire self-esteem boost in the next five minutes? While we all know that true inner confidence takes time and practice, sometimes we just need something with immediate effects. Here are seven ways to instantly build your confidence that you can use anytime, anyplace.


1. Pay attention to your posture

Stand or sit up straight. Flatten out your lower back. Let your shoulders fall down broadly by your sides. Even if you don't have enough time to change anything else about your appearance, shifting your posture is enough to make a huge difference.


2. Smile

Our brains are wired in an interesting feedback cycle that allows us to tell our muscles what to do--but it's also a cycle that reacts based on what our muscles actually do themselves. If we do something that is associated with an emotion, the action itself will somehow trigger the same emotion in our brains.


3. Give yourself a pep talk 

Pep talks can feel forced, especially if you're giving one to yourself. There is, however, a method to the madness: Telling yourself you're great is an easy way to remind yourself you are. Go through some of the positive qualities you value most about who you are. You'll feel like a million bucks in a couple seconds.

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, July 7, 2016 6:54 PM

Need a rapid-fire self-esteem boost in the next five minutes? There's something you can do about that.

Layla Smith's comment, July 9, 2016 3:20 AM
really Impressive
Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

10 Daily Habits of the Most Confident People

10 Daily Habits of the Most Confident People | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it


I'm not here to patronize you.  We know if you walk with better posture, force a fake smile, or get a new haircut you can trick your brain and boost your self-confidence.  Perhaps for 20 minutes you'll think you're the next Richard Branson. 

I'm here to tell you there are proven ways to improve your self-confidence that will drive real, long lasting change in your life.

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, January 31, 2016 7:42 PM

Stay motivated and confident in 2016.

HOME GIRAFFE's curator insight, February 1, 2016 4:11 AM

A great little article I wanted to share with you

Adele Taylor's curator insight, February 1, 2016 3:50 PM

I can imagine that a lot of people will read this and think that they are good ideas but just don't have the time.

You can always find time when you need to...

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

#HR #RRHH 5 Tricks to Be More Powerful at Work

#HR #RRHH 5 Tricks to Be More Powerful at Work | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

"Power is a subject that makes many people extremely uncomfortable," Stanford professor Jeffrey Pfeffer argues, but just because we don't like to think about power doesn't mean it's not the lifeblood of business. "Power is in fact all around...like air and water and gravity," he insists.

Ignoring power, therefore, won't make it disappear any more than wishing away gravity will help you fly. Instead of sticking your head in the sand, Pfeffer suggests you get real and start thinking constructively about accumulating power. How can you do that? In the video he offers a handful of actionable (if not necessarily universally palatable) tips.


Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, April 19, 2015 6:51 PM

Power makes lots of us uncomfortable, but that's no excuse for sticking your head in the sand and not cultivating your professional clout

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Change Leadership Watch

Classic Leader Traits: 5 Lessons from Lincoln

Classic Leader Traits: 5 Lessons from Lincoln | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

"Leaders are rarely the first person to see an opportunity, but they’re the first to seize an opportunity."


Excerpted from 5 leadership lessons from Lincoln.


Lead with action.  While others are talking about the problem, leaders take action.  ...Action, not intention, determines your destination.


Speak with conviction.  ...speaking with conviction inspires others to join your movement.


Set the tone.  Many will try to distract you.  ...In every interaction and every meeting a leader brings focus to the objective.  W


Via Jeremy Walsh &  - xoombi


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There’s No Such Thing as Leadership? Pull, Influence and “Open Space” vs. Power     


A Two Step, Two Video Dance towards Loose – Tight Change & Innovation Leadership


Via Deb Nystrom, REVELN
Deb Nystrom, REVELN's curator insight, July 3, 2013 7:04 PM

It's a helpful post:  simple, clear and well-timed for the July 4th holiday, referencing the critical impact of followership on leadership and Lincoln's great model for us all.  ~  Deb

John Michel's curator insight, July 3, 2013 10:39 PM

Have you ever wondered what makes a leader? We’ve heard that leaders have followers, but is there more? Leaders are going somewhere. What would you think of someone who claimed to be a leader, was surrounded by followers, but was going nowhere? Unfortunately, that’s the situation for many teams, organizations, and nations. So what really makes a leader?